沪教版英语三年级上册《Parks and playgrounds》的教案


沪教版英语三年级上册《Parks and playgrounds》的教案



  a.能听、说、拼读7个表示颜色的'英语单词: red , yellow ,

  orange, blue, green, black, white

  b.学会运用句型: What colour is it ?


  Is it …? Yes/No.

  2. 情感目标








  1、 多媒体课件




  Step One: Warming up(热身活动)

  1. Play a game.

  2. Let’s sing an English song.

  Step Two : Presentation and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)

  1. Present a picture of the sun and ask pupils: What is it? What colour is it?

  2. Help students to practise the word: red.

  3. Present a pear and ask pupils: What is it? Is it red?

  4. Learn the word: yellow.

  5. Teach the rhyme: The pear is yellow.

  6. Mix red with yellow paints and help pupils recognize

  “ orange ”。

  7. Present a blue ball and learn the word “blue”。

  8. Let’s play a game .

  T: What colour?

  S: Yellow/orange/red/blue

  T: How many?

  S: Six.

  9. Present a big tree and learn the word “ green”。

  10. Point at the blackboard and ask pupils: What colour is it?

  11. Ask pupils : What is the opposite to black? Which object is white?

  12. Ask pupils to look at teachers’s mouth and guess the words.

  13. Let’s say the chant.

  Step Three: Teaching sentence pattern (教学句型)

  1. Point at some objects and ask pupils :What colour is the pencil/wall/jacket?

  2. Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences.

  3. Ask pupils to practise in pairs.

  4. Play a guessing game : Is it red?

  T: I have a book. Guess, what colour is it?

  Ss: Is it red/yellow?

  T: You are right.

  Step Four: Homework(家庭作业)

  Copy the words and spell them correctly.