


  1.You will find restaurants for every situation in the U.S..


  2.If you’re in a hurry, you may just want to grab some “junk food” at a grocery store, or you can get a bite to eat at one of the many fast food chains, like McDonald’s, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, or Taco Bell.

  你若来去匆匆,可以去食品店随手买些“方便食品”,也可以从麦当劳、汉 堡王、肯德基炸鸡店、“必胜客”比萨馅饼屋,或玉米卷钟这些快餐连锁店 中跳上一家,买些食物权宜充饥。来自

  3.Or you can get a hero or submarine sandwich “to stay” or “to go” from a sandwich shop or deli.

  你可以上三明治店或者熟食店买一块“英雄”型或者“潜水艇”型大三明 治,你可以“堂吃”,也可以“外卖”。

  4.Some of these places have tables, but many don’t.


  5.People eat in their cars or take their food home, to their offices or to parks.

  人们买了一份快餐后,有的拿到自己的车里去吃,有的拿回自己的家里去 吃,也有的拿到办公室或公园里去吃。