

  Dear x,

  As a production factor, human resource also faces scarcity—in the technicalsense of economics—the way that other forms of resource face. Therefore, when anindividual makes a choice as a human factor, he or she has to take into accountof the opportunity cost to himself (or herself) in particular and to the societyas a whole within the general framework of his or her individual value. Myresolution to pursue an advanced program in the field of marketing is preciselyfounded on the guidelines provided by economics. My personal interest and amplepotential allow me to possess comparative advantage in pursuing marketing forreasons that I will state in the succeeding paragraphs, and I believe that mychoice is a rationalized choice in keeping with the rules of economics.

  My interest in marketing commenced with the learning of two importantcourses in my sophomore year—Marketing and Management. The first year of myundergraduate program at the Department of Accounting, Henan University, wasspent in overwhelming frustration because I was arbitrarily assigned to studyaccounting as my specialty, a subject in which I had little interest. However,in learning Marketing and Management, I discovered my real interest. Inretrospection, this interest of mine stemmed from my willingness to communicateand exchange with people, my desire to experience the collisions betweendifferent schools of thought, the interdisciplinary nature between those twosubjects, and the demands that they impose on a person’s creative thinking. The4P’s as advocated in marketing (price, place, promotion and product) arespecifically oriented toward market fluctuations and they require specialsensitivity in capturing market information, thorough understanding of theproblems involved, and the ability to solve problems by sound logical reasoning.The four aspects as represented by 4P’s constitute the fields in which I madeconscious efforts to develop and to improve my competence. While taking themarket course, I immersed myself in various western textbooks including theclassic work Marketing Management by Philip Kotlor. Meanwhile, I endeavored toassimilate useful knowledge from case studies, realizing the empirical nature ofthe subject. I had a habit of applying a multiplicity of perspectives fromdifferent frameworks of knowledge to bear on the same problem and for thisreason I once achieved the highest score in my department in an oralpresentation. My teacher of the Marketing course, who is also the chairman ofthe Marketing Department, believed that I was most suited to a career inmarketing. His remarks gave me tremendous encouragement and further reinforcedmy determination to seek an advanced education in this fascinating area.

  Marketing is an applied science that calls for constant practice based on amastery of its theories and principles in order to develop an awareness of howmarketing is actually conducted. During the summer vacation in the second year,having completed the marketing course, I participated in the promotion campaignon behalf of the Little Swan Home Appliances Products (Little Swan being thebrand name of China’s most famous producer of home appliances) at ZhengzhouDepartment Store in Henan Province. During the promotion campaign, we provideddetailed information to our prospective clients concerning the products andtheir post-sale services on one hand and submitted the feedback to theheadquarters on the other. This refreshing experience of directly facing clientsexcited me, making me all the more interested in various activities that couldincrease my practical knowledge of marketing. One of such activities was aproject my classmates and I contrived for developing a realistic understandingof the principles of Marketing Lens Model. According to this model, differentindividuals may experience major differences in their cognition of theirsurroundings due to differences in their education, backgrounds and personalexperiences, which lead to their development of their differential cognitivelenses. Our project team conducted an all-campus eva luation of the teachers’performance and of the soundness of the curriculum in the form of questionnairesand follow-up surveys. Based on the findings of our investigation, we submittedto the university authorities rationalization proposals concerning how toimprove of the quality of teaching and how education could be geared to thespecific needs of students. Positively commented upon, our proposals were mostlyadopted by the authorities. This successful experience made me understand thatsome concepts of marketing could be fruitfully applied to different walks oflife, not merely put into service for the profit-making organizations.

  My practical work experience in marketing started with my employment at theSales Department of Beijing Education & Cultural Communications Center uponmy graduation in the summer of 20xx. Over the past one year, I participated inplanning promotion campaigns for several sets of book series and in themanagement of media publicity. I was also responsible for designing theexhibitions for those book series. However, in performing my responsibilities, Ibecame dismayed by the reality. Theoretically speaking, marketingresponsibilities within a company should be specified and marketing personnelshould perform their duties according to specialized division of labor so thatthe efficiency can be optimized. Nevertheless, in actual operations, differentdivisions of labor among different departments tend to produce conflictedinterests and communication barriers, resulting in disruptions in work schedulesand in reduced efficiency. I came to realize that teamwork is still a majorproblem within Chinese context, especially in the field of marketing, that needsto be worked out. To materialize good concepts of marketing, optimum approachesmust be adopted that can meet the changing circumstances of the environment. Myheretofore work experience shows me that, although marketing has developed intoa comprehensive discipline that is both enlightening and capable of socialguidance over a century-long innovation and evolution, the idea of marketing asthe strategic presence of a given enterprise has not yet been established withinthe Chinese economic milieu. With the increased competition brought about byglobalization, especially with China’s accession to the WTO, the widely-acceptedconventional formula of “production + product + marketing” has been renderedobsolescent, unable to satisfy the needs of China’s present buyer’s market andthe necessity to maintain sustainable development after China’s WTO accession.In particular, faced with the challenges posed by the emergence of knowledgeeconomy, Chinese enterprises must revolutionize its conventional notions ofmarketing. Toward this objective, Chinese enterprises must top-level managementand marketing professionals who can formulate effective marketing strategies andestablish highly efficient marketing network. In this regard, prospectivemarketing professionals have a mission and a responsibility to perform. Apartfrom my interest and my potential, this factor constitutes the most directreason behind my current effort to apply for a Ph.D. program in marketing atyour prestigious university. It is my expectation that in my future degreeprogram I will be exposed to the most recent concepts and modes of thinking inmarketing which I can ultimately apply to the Chinese marketing practice.

  Although I did not major in marketing as an undergraduate, my professionaltraining in accounting can nevertheless be instrumental to my academic andcareer development in the future. The specialty of accounting also required meto receive basic training in economics and management, an education backgroundthat allowed me to evolve mental habits characteristic of economics andmanagement. In my undergraduate program, trainings in the development of mentalhabits were far more important than the mere acquisition of book knowledge andmy performance in work has also indicated that I excel my peers in logicalreasoning and in economics-specific mentality. My GPA is not absolutely high(but showing obvious ascendancy), which could be attributed to my initialdislike for accounting on one hand and to my extensive participation inextracurricular activities to satiate my special love for marketing practices.Those activities consumed a considerable amount of my time and energy that Icould otherwise have devoted to coursework. Nevertheless, I take great comfortin having developed my empirical knowledge of marketing by participating inthose activities.

  Successful marketing is the most crucial strategic arrangement in makingquality products available to prospective consumers. Having accumulatednecessary knowledge and experience, I have an implicit faith in myself as a mostcompetitive candidate for your Ph.D. program. In presenting myself for yourscrutiny, I am doing an important “marketing” of myself. I sincerely wish thatmy further exploration in the field of marketing could be made possible withthis very “marketing” of myself.

  Yours sincerely,





























