

  1、The Voice of Spring

  And the cawing rooks are meeting

  In the elms a noisy crowd.

  All the birds are singing loud,

  And the first white butterfly

  In the sunshine dances by.

  Look around you, look around !

  Flowers in all the fields abound,

  Every running stream is bright,

  All the orchard trees are white,

  And each small and waving shoot

  Promises sweet autumn fruit.

  2、March Wind

  March wind, here it comes

  Marching in with all its drums.

  See it skip and whip through town,

  Tangled branches tumbling down.

  March wind, hear it shout:

  I'm breathing in and breathing out.

  And if you're patient, then one day

  I'll even blow some spring your way.

  3、The Star

  Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

  How I wonder what you are!

  Up above the world so high,

  Like a diamond in the sky.

  When the blazing sun is gone,

  When he nothing shines upon,

  Then you show your little light,

  Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

  Then the traveler in the dark,

  Thanks you for your tiny spark,

  He could not see which way to go,

  If you did not twinkle so.

  In the dark blue sky you keep,

  And often through my curtains peep,

  For you never shut you eye,

  Till the sun is in the sky.

  As your bright and tiny spark,

  Lights the traveler in the dark-

  Though I know not what you are,

  Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

  4、Jack and Jill

  Jack and Jill went up the hill

  To fetch a pail of water.

  Jack fell down and broke his crown,

  And Jill came tumbling after.

  5、Wee Willie Winkie

  Runs through the town,


  In his nightgown.

  Rapping at the Window,

  Crying through the lock,

  "Are the children in their beds,

  For now it`s eight o'clock?"


  Hold fast to dreams

  For if dreams die

  Life is a broken-winged bird

  That cannot fly

  Hold fast to dreams

  For when dreams go

  Life is a barren field

  Frozen with snow


  I love to wake to each new day,

  And brush my dreams

  Of night away,

  And look out through my window wide

  To see what weather is outside,

  And wonder what exciting thing

  This shining, un-used day

  Will bring.


  Rain is falling all around

  It falls on field and tree

  It rains on the umbrella here

  And on the ships at sea

  9、Never give up

  Never give up

  Never lose hope.

  Always have faith,

  It allows you to cope.

  Trying times will pass,

  As they always do.

  Just have patience,

  Your dreams will come true.

  So put on a smile,

  You’ll live through your pain.

  Know it will pass,

  And strength you will gain.