


  I'm not perfect ,but you should have waited .I was worth it! (虽然我不完美,但是我值得你等待。)

  I mean, you know when you could be with someone and you don’t even have to talk.(和爱的.人在一起,可以不说一句话。身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。)

  Respect is everything.(人与人交往第一步就是尊重。)

  "Dear Sophia.I wish I could find something different to do besides just missing you......but I can’t.The team’s treating me good.We got each other’s backs..And I want you to know that wherever I end up,I’ll be wanting the very best for you.And if some miracle happens and I come back again,I hope I’m still your man. Much love, Billy."(人走了,情还在,很感人。)

  Why is it that one of us......who wants to live the most,who deserves to live the most, dies.

  Track ‘em, find ‘em, kill ‘em.(简单直接往往最好。)

  No,cause it’s how we deal with death.Can’t change what it is so we keep it light until it’s time to get dark.And then we get pitch black.

  -that you were bitten by a King Cobra?

  -Yeah, I was. But after five days of agonizing pain.(痛久了,就会忘却。)

  Can’t beat the Classic.(经典永远都是经典。)

  I’ll be back.(这是一种信念。)

  My shoe is bigger than this car.

  Now, what!!?(一种不屈的挣扎!)

  -That thing belongs in a museum.

  -We all do.(当我们老了,有没有人被收藏……)