卜算子 咏梅 陆游写的


卜算子 咏梅 陆游写的



  卜算子 · 咏梅①





























  “寂寞开无主”这一句,词人将自己的感情倾注在客观景物之中,首句是景语,这句已是情语了.日落黄昏,暮色朦胧,这孑然一身、无人过问的梅花,何以承受这凄凉呢?它只有“愁”—— 而且是“独自愁”,这与上句的“寂寞”相呼应.驿外断桥、暮色、黄昏,本已寂寞愁苦不堪,但更添凄风冷雨,孤苦之情更深一层.“更著”这两个字力重千钧,前三句似将梅花困苦处境描写已至其但二句“更著风和雨”似一记重锤将前面的“极限”打得崩溃.这种愁苦仿佛无人能承受, 至此感情渲染已达高潮,然而尽管环境是如此冷峻,它还是“开”了!上阕四句,只言梅花处境恶劣、于梅花只作一“开”字,但是其倔强、顽强已不言自明.

  上阕集中写了梅花的困难处境, 它也的确还有 “ 愁”.从艺术手法说,用环境、时光和自然现象来烘托.上阕四句可说是“情景双绘”.让读者化一系列景物中感受到作者的特定环境下的心绪—— 愁!也让读者逐渐踏入作者的心境.

  下阕,托梅寄志.从侧面讽刺了群芳.暗含着作者的不幸遭遇揭露了苟且偷安的那些人的无耻行径.说“争春”,是暗喻人事; “ 妒”,则非草木所能有.这两句表现出陆游性格孤高,决不与争宠邀媚、阿谀逢迎之徒为伍的品格和不畏谗毁、坚贞自守的崚.傲骨.

  最后几句,把梅花的“独标高格”,再推进一层: 前句承上阕的寂寞无主、黄昏日落、风雨交侵等凄惨境遇.这句七个字四次顿挫:“ 零落”, 不堪雨骤风狂的摧残,梅花纷纷凋落了,这是第一层.落花委地,与泥水混杂,不辩何者是花,何者是泥了,这是第二层.从“碾”字,显示出摧残者的无情,被摧残者的凄惨境遇,这是第三层.结果梅花被摧残、被践踏而化作灰尘了.这是第四层.看,梅花的命运有多么悲惨,简直不堪入目令人不敢去想像.读者在此时已融入了字里行间所透露出的情感中.





  This is the first of the BU operator "to" a few "as its theme, the author is self-evident to Plum.

  "Lonely orphan" this sentence, CI will own feelings into the scenery in objective, the first sentence is King, it was love language. Sunset twilight, Twilight haze, which alone, unchallenged by Phillips, why take this dreary? it only the "sad" and "sorrows" and the "lonely on the sentence." Post external bridge, Twilight, Twilight, the lonely melancholy, but more the chill wind blowing, the loneliness of a deeper level. "The more the" two words force heavy supremely, the first three sentences might be the situation described is plum blossom hardship to it but the second sentence "even the wind and rain," like a hammer to the front of the "limit" to crash. This sorrow as if no one can afford, so emotional rendering has reached a climax, but despite the environment is so cold that it still "open"! sentences, on concerns only the situation worse, says Phillips at Phillips only for an "open", but its stubborn and tenacious is self-evident.

  Regarding the focus on wrote the difficult situation of plum blossom, it does have the "melancholy". From the artistic means that use of the environment, time and natural phenomena to contrast. Four sentence on an awful lot can be said to be "situational double painted". Let the readers of a series of scenes in feel the author's specific environment mood — worry! also let readers gradually into the author's State of mind.

  The following songs, Tome send Chi. From the side ironic shape. Implies the author's misfortune to expose a muddle of those shameless acts. The "falls" is a metaphor of personnel; "envy", the non-vegetation can have. These two lines show the solitary Lu you's personality and high, and never sees invited Mei, flattering of company's character and not slander, staunch Automorphic of shaped white. pride.

  Last words, Phillips of "independence", then the elevation that promote a layer: front line bearing on an awful lot of lonely orphan, sunset, and rain turn penetrating and so miserable situation. This is the fourth of seven words: "full of disappointments, sudden rain" from the ravages of wind maniac, Phillips have litters, the first layer. I appointed, and slurry, don't argue what is flower, which is the mud, and this is the second layer. From "grind", showing the devastation of the merciless, ruined the miserable circumstances, a third layer. The result is torn, plum blossom is trampled on and into dust. This is the first four layers. The fate of the clubs have tragic, really offensive not dare to imagine. The reader at this point the lines have been integrated into the revealing emotion.

  But the author's purpose is simply to write the black misery evoke sympathy; from writing practices, paving the way, is still a poised to take the next sentence word onto. Although Phillips has been trampled on litter, into the soil, it makes the "enjoying" fragrance, "never" as before, still not yielding to the lonely orphan, rain and wind over the threat of invasion.

  The last sentence with the forces of kangding, it inspires the whole article, to the tragic situation in front of plum blossom, and rain penetration ling, the phantoms, eroded into mud made miserable, miserable failure in SA, brought about me.

  This term is very successfully used metaphor approach author to Plum self-evident to Plum's natural metabolism to describe themselves. At this point, the personification of clubs. "A few" to express their feelings, to our left a very deep impression, become a masterpiece of a few.