



1. may ( )____________________

2. school ( )____________________

3. know ( )____________________

4. where ( )____________________

5. one desk ( )____________________

6. two chairs ( )____________________

7. three boys ( )____________________

8. four girls ( )____________________

9. five books ( )____________________


1. one + three =______

2. five - two =______

3. two + three =______

4. four + one =______

5. five - one =______

三、判断对错(√ or ×),并改正。

1. ( ) May I have one books, please? ____________________

2. ( ) May I have two chair, please? ____________________

3. ( ) Books no for me. ____________________


一、1. 可以 2. 学校 3. 知道 4. 哪儿 5. 一张书桌

6. 两把椅子 7. 三个男孩 8. 四个女孩 9. 五本书

二、1. four 2. three 3. five 4. five 5. four

三、1. × May I have one book, please?

2. × May I have two chairs, please?

3. × No books for me.


一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词,将编号写在括号里。(10分)

1. white 2. blue 3. great 4. purple 5. bread

二、 听录音,给下列图片标上正确的序号。(12分)

1. Sit down. 2. Clap your hands. 3. Touch the ground.

4. Stand up. 5. Turn around. 6. Touch your head.

三、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子的答句。(10分)

1. Good afternoon.

2. How are you ?

3. Nice to meet you.

4. Let‘s paint.

5. See you.

四、 听录音,根据录音内容给下列物品涂上相应的颜色。(10分)

1. I have a red book.

2. The bag is black.

3. Color the arm pink.

4. Wow, a green sharpener.

5. Look! My face is brown.

五、 听录音,判断下列图片与录音内容是否相符,相符的用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(10分)

1. Let’s go to school.

2. A: Good morning, mom. B: Good morning.

3. Show me your eraser.

4. Close your book.

5. A: Let‘s paint. B: Great!

六、 听录音,给各身体部位涂上相应的颜色。

1. My eyes are blue.

2. My ears are purple.

3. My mouth is red.

4. My nose is orange.

5. My face is yellow.

七、 听录音,勾出各人所喜欢的颜色。(10 分)

1. Hi! I’m Sarah. I like red.

2. Hello! My name is Chen Jie. I like yellow and purple.

3. What Color do you like, Mike? I like orange and brown.

4. Good morning. I‘m Wu Yifan. I like green.

5. My name’s Bai Ling. I like green, too.


(Unit1-Unit2) Class ________ Name__________ No.______ Mark___________ I 听 力 部 分 一、请选出你所听到的字母或单词,把字母代号写在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. LMN B. LNM C. RMN ( ) 2. A. that B. this C. is ( ) 3. A. red B. read C. right ( ) 4. A. balloon B. blue C. book ( ) 5. A. seven B. sad C. sing ( ) 6. A. mother B. many C. monkey ( ) 7. A. color B. cake C. cookie ( ) 8. A. or B. oh C. tall ( ) 9. A. It’s B. He’s C. She’s ( ) 10. A. We’re B. They’re C. You’re 二、朗读,按朗读的顺序给图片标号。(8分)

( )     ( )     ( )      ( )

( )     ( )      ( )     ( )


( )     ( )      ( )     ( )

( )     ( )      ( )     ( ) 四、听问句选答语,把代表正确答案的字母代号填在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. It’s blue. B. It’s an orange. ( ) 2. A. Yes, she is . B. Yes , I am . ( ) 3. A. I am five. B. I am fine , thanks. ( ) 4. A. Yes , he is . B. Yes , she is . ( ) 5. A. Yes , they are. B. Yes ,we are . 五、听朗读,补全所缺的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. Are you ?No , I’m . ( ) 2. What is this? It’ s . ( ) 3. tall. II 笔 试 部 分 一、看图写单词(8分)

————— ————— ————— —————

————— ————— ————— ————— 二、写出下列单词的分写形式。(9分) 1. We’re _________ 2. isn’t __________ 3. You’re __________ 4. She’s __________ 5. They’re __________ 6. He’s __________ 7. it’s __________ 8. don’t __________ 9. Let’s __________ 三、写出能替换画线部分的同类单词。(9分) 1. His brother is tall.(形容词) A. __________  B. __________   C. __________ 2. This is a rabbit.(动物) A. __________  B. __________   C. __________ 3. The table is pink.(颜色) A. __________  B. __________   C. __________ 四、选择题。(15分) ( )1. – His grandmother isn’t sad. She’s _________. A. small B. sad  C. happy ( )2. –Look, it’s __________ apple. It is _________. A. a , red B. an , yellow C. He’s ( )3. –The dog is ________ . A. green. B. brown. C. blue. ( )4. –Are you happy? A. I’m fine, thank you. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. ( )5. –________________ is this? – It’s blue . A. What color. B. What. C. Who. ( )6. ––Look. Many _________. A. color B. colors C. red

( )7. –___________ is the hat? –It’s purple. A. What. B. Who. C. What color. ( )8. –Is this a dog? –___________. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s yellow. C. No, it is yellow. ( )9. –What color do you like? – _____???????_________. A. Yes, I do. B. I like blue. C. I like an orange. ( )10. –What’s this? – It’s __________. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange orange 五、根据问句找出合适的答语,并把代号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1. Is that a chair? A. It’s an orange. ( )2. Are you happy? B. Yes, I am. I’m happy. ( )3. What’s this? C. It’s green. ( )4. What color do you like? D. Yes, it is . ( )5. What color is this ? E. I like red. 六、根据提示,写上适当的单词。(9分) 1. Please say“__________”(你好)to your family.

2. I like the ________ (棕色的)rabbit.

3. My friend is ________ (矮的).

4. It’s very ________ (热的).

5. ____ ___ (我)don’t like noodles.

6. The ___ _____ (铅笔)are yellow.

7. I don’t like ice cream. It’s ____ ____ (冷的).

8. The girls like _____ ___ (动物).

9. The apple is ( 红色的)