




1. 学会使用句型“What did you do at the weekend?”和“Where did you go?”并懂得使用相应的过去式进行对话。

2. 能有感情地朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。

3. 能用动词过去式询问上周末的活动情况。


1.会用“What did you do at the weekend?”和 “Where did you go?”询问过去发生的事情。






1. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词weekend, place, trip, along, river, twenty, minute, hour, best以及词组the British Museum, bus ride.

2. 能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子What did you do at the weekend? 和Where did you go?




1. 通过教师引导示范,学生自主识记,小组合作,朗读合作等多种形式,使学生读懂文章并掌握重难句的实际运用。

2. 通过两两对话提高学生学习英语策略及口语交际能力。

3. 通过“争当小记者”活动激发并保持学生学习英语兴趣。




Step1: Warming-up

1) Greet to the students.

2) Listen a song“Where did you go?”唱关于旅游的歌曲,为新课做铺垫。

Step2: Lead-in

1)教师出示自己的旅游照。T: Class, I went to Jinan this weekend. I took lots of photos and ate delicious food. So I had a happy weekend. Do you know weekend?新授weekend,讲解其含义。

2)T:I had a happy weekend. Our friends Amy, Lingling and Sam had a happy weekend too. What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?导入课文教学。

Step 3: Presention.

1) 学生观看整课的Flash 视频,整体感知文本。找出 What did Amy, Lingling and Sam do at the weekend?

2) 根据文本的具体情况,分段听文本。采用任务型教学法,每一个段落设置相应问题,让学生带着问题找答案。

对于文本第二段,教师设置的问题:Where did Amy, Lingling and Sam go? Ss: They went to the British Museum. They visited Big Ben and the London Eye.教师讲授the British Museum.

对于文本第三段,让学生跟读Flash并且找出What did Lingling like best? Ss: She liked the bus ride best. 教师讲解本段中出现的新词汇。




Step 4: Practice.

1) 教师借用Amy 和Daming头像,和学生一起提炼文本重点句,形成一组新的对话,并板书。

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.


2) 你问我答:Travel around Dezhou.

教师准备一张图片,上面选取德州的几个景点,如:长河公园,新湖风景区,减河湿地等,每个景点下面对应相应的活动,如:did taijiquan, took photos, played chess,etc. 教师示范后,同桌两人一组,自主练习。

Step5: Extension.( Talk about our travel.)

T: We all had a happy weekend. We went to lots of places and did many things. But I think in our holiday, we were happy too. Now look at this photo. This is me. Who can ask me some questions?

S1: Where did you go?

T: I went to Tianjin. Other questions?

S2: What did you do?

T: I visited my friend. You must have happy holiday too. Now 4 Ss a group. Ask and answer.



最后教师总结:You went to lots of places. Now let’s enjoy our class’s travel(教师课前收集学生旅游照,自制学生旅游视频)。 The world is a wonderful book and those who do not travel can see only a page of it.

Step6: Homework.

Describe your travel to your friends.


Unit1 Where did you go?

Daming: What did you do at the weekend?

Amy: We visited lots of places.

Daming: Where did you go?

Amy: We went to the British Museum, Big Ben and the London Eye.


My new room第二课时教案


能够听、说、认读句型“There is/are ….”,并能在情景中运用。



能正确使用“There is”和“There are”句型。






(1) 动一动

① 教师在教室各处贴放所学的单词“curtain, closet, mirror, end table, trash bin, air-conditioner”

② 教师说单词,如“curtain”,学生迅速跑到相应的单词位置上。(若班上人数多,可以分小组活动)


⑴ Let’s talk

① 教师播放“Let’s talk”部分的录音三遍,而后提出问题:“Sarah的家中有什么?”。

② 再放录音一遍,学生回答出:“There is a closet, a mirror, an conditioner. There are curtains.”。


③ 再放录音一遍,教师指着黑板上每样东西提问学生。如指着衣橱问:“What is it like?”,学生根据所听内容答出:“It’s big.”或“There is a big closet.”。

④ 教师请若干名学生到黑板前说一说有什么东西,是什么样子。如“There is a big closet. There is a new mirror. ”。

⑤ 学生两人一组做对话练习,分别扮演“Sarah”和“Chen”。

⑵ 说一说

① 学生看图,教师请学生说一说这是什么样的房间,并领读“living room”。

② 学生两人一组,用“There is a … in the living room/bedroom.”说一说每间屋里有什么。

Let’s play(趣味操练)

⑴ Let’s try

① 教师播放录音,学生看图完成“Listen and circle”。

② 教师请若干学生说出所圈单词,其他同学判断对错。

⑵ Talk and draw

① 教师把“Talk and draw”的图复印下来发给学生。

② 教师播放“Talk and draw”部分录音,学生在纸上画出相应的物品。

③ 请若干名学生说一说画的是什么:“There is a small closet.”等,其他学生判断对错。

④ 学生打开书,教师播放录音学生跟读。

Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

⑴ 听一听

学生完成活动手册A部分的第一题 Listen and match。

⑵ 玩一玩

① 教师展示课件,向学生介绍:有四间屋子,你能不能把物品放到它相应的房间里。

② 教师领读:kitchen, dining room

③ 教师请若干名学生 操作课件,拖放物品到相应的房间里,并说:“There is … in the … room.”。


I have my own room.

There is/are ….


My new room第三课时教案


1.能够听、说、读、写句子:There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.

2.了解Good to know内容。








⑴ 猜一猜

① 教师准备出学生学过的表示家具陈设的单词,学生看单词朗读。

② 教师快速出示单词卡,学生猜出单词是什么。

⑵ 教一教

① 教师还出示一些表示房间的单词(配有图),如:bedroom, living room, kitchen和bathroom。

② 教师询问谁能认读这些单词,在确认这些学生能正确朗读单词后,由他们教全班同学朗读学习新单词。

③ 学生看图片朗读单词,而后教师只出示单词,学生认读。


⑴ 读一读

① 教师打开课件,课件展示的是Read and write短文中的第一部分。学生阅读短文。

② 教师提问:“How many rooms are there in the rabbits flat? What are they?”,学生根据短文内容,答出:“There are five room. They are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.”。教师请若干名学生到台前,学生边说边操作课件,把表示房间的图拖放到空白地方,其他同学判断对错。

③ 课件回到第一页,学生再次阅读短文。点击课件第二页,教师请若干名学生操作课件把单词拖放到相应的图上。

④ 教师说:“让我们看看小兔子的房间。”,点击课件第三页。学生阅读短文中的第二部分。

⑤ 看课件第四页,教师提问:“What are in the baby rabbit’s room?”,学生边回答边把物品拖放到小兔子的房间里。

⑥ 图中的物品是可供选择的,如:绿色的窗帘,蓝色的窗帘;大的衣橱,小的衣橱;新的旧的等等。其他学生根据台上学生所选来判断对错。

⑵ 写一写

① 学生打开书P60,自己阅读全文。

② 教师给学生三分钟的时间完成句子(写在书上)

③ 请若干名学生朗读句子,大家一齐核对答案。

④ 学生每人一句朗读短文。

Let’s play(趣味操练)

⑴ 玩一玩

教师利用Let’s play中的图版组织多项活动。如:

① 学生四人一组,看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner, a telephone, a ….


② 做“”游戏,学生任选九张词卡排列好,学生按教师的提示(如:There is a bed.)翻卡片。当横、竖、斜任意成一行的学生大喊“Bingo!”。

⑵ Good to know

① 学生看书P66,说一说每间房子有什么不同或是特点。

② 教师介绍相关知识,并领读单词:flat/apartment, cabin, hotel, house。

Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)

Talk about your room with your partner



⑴ There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room in the rabbits’ new flat.

⑵ What’s in the rabbit’s room?

There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet in his room. And there are two end tables.



1、 能力目标:

(1) 能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new

English teacher. He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny.

(2) 能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Who’s your English

teacher? Mr Carter .He’s from Canada. What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.

(3) 能够听懂一些描述人物特征的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Let’s try 部分。

(4) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My New Teachers”.能够灵活替换歌词中的



(5)理解A、B部分Read and write 中的会话,并根据提示填充句子或


(6) 听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 和Read and write 中的四


a) 理解Let’s start、Let’s find out、Let’s sing、Let’s chant 和Pair work


b) 了解Pronunciation部分的字母组合在单词中的发音,并能熟练读


c) 了解Task time 、Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。


a) 情感态度:根据小学高年级阶段学生的特点,引导他们在英语学习


b) 学习策略:学习过程中注意培养学生合作学习的态度和方法,有效

利用学生用书中设计的Pair work 、Group work、Talk and draw 以及Task time部分,培养学生合作学习的意识。

c) 文化目标:了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯。


第一课时A Let’s start Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s find out

第二课时A let’s try Let’s talk Let’s chant C Good to know

第三课时A Read and write Pair work C Story time

第四课时B Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s sing

第五课时B let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Task time

第六课时B Read and write Talk and draw Pronunciation Let’s check


一、TeachingMaterial :

Unit 3 B Read and write ,Let’s Play ,Let’s check

二、Teaching objectives

1、To master the four skills sentences :

What’s the date ?June 9th.

Is her birthday in June ?Yes.

2、To understand the dialogue ,make sure the students can answer the questions of the dialogue and can write out the keys.

3、Make sure the students can play the game : Bingo.

4、To finish “Let’s check” .

三、Teaching points :

1、Main points : To master the four skills sentences.

What’s the date? June 9th. Is her birthday in June? Yes.

2、Difficult points : To understand the dialogue.

四、Vision aids :

1、The picture of “Read and write”.

2、Video tape, slides and some birthday cards.

五、Teaching procedures :


1、全班吟唱P26 Let’s chant , 说做结合,营造活跃的课堂气氛。

2、听歌猜节日:教师放节日歌曲 :“Jingle Bell”、“Happy Teachers’ Day”、“Happy New Year” 每放一段歌曲,提问:What festival? What’s the date? 学生用英语回答。


1、Free talk: Talk about your birthday.

eg)T : When is your birthday?

S1 : My birthday is in June.

T : What’s the date?

S1 : It’s June 1st

2、Play game: Where’s my friend?


eg) S1 : I’m January. Where’s my friend?

S2 : Here. I’m your friend, I’m Jan .


1、Read and write.

1、The teacher shows a birthday card and asks: What’s this?

The students answer in Chinese. Then the teacher asks:

What’s “生日卡片”in English? Listen to the tape, please.

The students listen to the tape of “birthday card” several times, and repeat.

2、Show a slide.(一个女孩正在制作生日卡片)

问:What’s the girl doing? 帮助学生回答:She’s making a birthday card. 然后教师用卡纸做出制作生日卡片的动作,并说:Look! I’m making a birthday card, too.然后投影出示句子 “I’m making a birthday card.” 并带读句子。

问:Who has a birthday today?

一位学生回答:“I am”

教师拿着一张生日卡片对该学生说:“Happy birthday to you. It’s for you. Do you like it? 学生回答“Yes”。(在学生说“Yes”时,教师告诉学生,在接受别人礼物时,应先说“Thank you”)教师再说:Yes. I think everyone likes to get a birthday card. 投影出示:Everyone likes to get a birthday card. 并学说。再问全体学生:Is her /his birthday in April? (学生回答并学说句子)。

4、在画有birthday card 的幻灯上添上电脑边框,并说“Look! The card is in the computer. Oh , it’s an e-card.”(学说e-card 并解释)再出示一个小女孩在发送电子卡片的投影片,问:What is she doing? 帮助学生回答:“She is sending an e-card.” 投影出示答语并学说。

5、Watch the video of the dialogue, then answer the questions. (投影出示下列问题,看录像后指名口头回答)

a、What is Zoom doing? Why?

b、Is Grandma’s birthday in June?

c、Does Grandma have a computer?

d、Can Grandma get the e-card?

e、Do they make a birthday card?

f、Does everyone like to get a birthday card?

6、Listen to the tape and repeat.

7、To practice the dialogue.

8、To act out the dialogue (in group)

9、Group work: To make a birthday card.

2、Let’s play: Bingo


3、Let’s check

教师放Let’s check 部分的录音,学生完成。

1、Boy: When is your birthday?

Girl: It’s Step 8th .

Woman: Circle the girl’s birthday.

2、Girl: When is Grandma’s birthday, mom?

Woman: It’s April 10th.

Woman: Circle grandma’s birthday.

4、Sum up:

1、How do we ask the date? We can ask like this: “What’s the date?” And answer like: “It’s June 1st .

2、To tell “What’s the date?” and “What day is it?”

(四)、Consolidation and extension

1、To finish the Wb of part B:

2、To listen to the tape of “Read and write”, and read to your parents.

3、To recite and write the four skills words and sentences.