




复习两个阅读技能---scanning, skimming;













Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity


Step 1

Show and tell the students the learning goals for them and make possible explanations

Students listen to the teacher and have an idea of what they are going to learn in this class.

To make the students know what they are to learn in this class

Step 2

1). Show some pictures with beautiful scenery

2) Ask the students two questions:

Are they attractive?

Where do you want to travel? – I dream about traveling…

1.) Students appreciate those pictures

2) Students answer teacher’s questions and practice the sentence pattern “I dream about traveling in/to…”

1). To arouse students’ interest

2) To practice a sentence pattern

Step 3

1). Show the title of the reading passage

2). Ask the students whether this passage is about the whole process of the journey.

3). Ask the students how to skim.

4) Tell the students the skill of skimming on the screen

1) Students answer the question after they read the subtitle of this part.

2). Students tell how to skim.

1) To make the students pay attention to the subtitle, which can tell the main idea of the passage.

2) To review how to skim

Step 4

1) Ask the students to skim more—to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

1) Students tell the main idea of each paragraph

1) To practice how to skim

Step 5

With four questions, teacher asks the students to scan paragraph 1

Ask students how the scan

Show the skills of scanning on the screen

Students scan paragraph 1, and answer the four questions

Students tell how to scan

To review how to scan

To practice how to scan

Step 6

1) Ask the students to scan paragraph 2 and find out what different attitudes Wang Kun and Wang Wei have, and then finish the table

1) Students scan paragraph 2 and finish the table

1) To practice how to scan

Step 7

1) Provide the students with a picture which describes a geographic word as well as a few sentences about the flow of the Mekong river on each slide and ask them to read the sentences.

2) Ask the students to match each geographic word to the proper meanings

1) Students read the sentences loudly together and look at the pictures and the related geographic words in the meanwhile.

2) Students do the matching work

1) To better know how the Mekong river flows

2) To help the students better learn the geographic words which are new to them

3) To check how the students understand the new words

Step 8

Review the structure of the passage together with the students and show some key words on the screen

Provide the students with some words and phrases which are the new words in this unit

Ask them to retell the main content of the passage in groups

With the teacher, students review the structure of the passage

Retell the main content of the passage in groups

To help students form the schema of the passage by reviewing the structure of it

To know the content of the passage better as well as to create more chances for the students to use the new words

Step 9

1) Ask the students what they learn from the story

2) Give the students some useful and related proverbs

1) Students share their opinions with the group members what they have learned from the story.

2) Students read the proverbs loudly together.

1) To encourage students to form their own views and share them with others

2) To learn some useful proverbs

Step 10

1) Summarize this class by showing the learning goals again


1) Students review what they have learned by reading the learning goals on the screen.

1) To help students review what they have learned in this class


Time: October 21 ,2010

Class: Class 1,Grade 2

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ reading ability

2. Learn more about English poetry through the passage

Teaching important and difficult point:

How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the text better.

Teaching methods:

1. Discussion 2.Fast reading 3. Careful reading

Teaching aid: Computer

Teaching Procedures:

StepI Greetings and Duty report

StepII Lead—in

1. Play a Chinese poem for students and then ask students to think about

the Chinese poets who the students have known.

2. Use five minutes to discuss them with students together.

StepIII Read the new words of this unit

Step IV Reading1. Play the Mp3 of the text and ask students to read the text

quickly .Then find out how many English poets are mentioned in the passage? Who are they ?

2. Read the passage again carefully and then do the exercises on the


3. Ask some students to give their answers.

Step V Summery

Step VI Homework

1. Ask the students to the text as much as possible and then pay

attention to the new words in the text.

2. Find out the answers what do the words in bold refer to in the



《Unit 3 A taste of English humour》



Teaching Objectives

1. Students are able to learn more about nonverbal humour as well as Charlie Chaplin through network-based.

2. Students are able to get the gen eral idea and detailed information of the passage by skimming, scanning as well as interpreta tion and appreciation.

3. Students will learn to face difficulties in life with optimism and humour as well as learn to cooperate with others in groups.


Teaching difficult points

1. How to guide students to search for and sort out related information according to the assigned task through the Internet.

2. How to cu ltivate students’ learning ability through teamwork based on network.

Teaching important points

1. Help students to get the general idea and detailed information of the text effectively by skimming and scanning.

2. Help students to analyze the reasons for Charlie Chaplin’s success by interpreting the key sentences and get them inspired.


Step 1

Lead-in(3 mins)

1.Students’ Activities:

2.The Purpose of Activities

Students are to appreciate a video clip performed by Mr. Bean.

Students will be guided to acquire the form of nonverbal humour in a vivid way,

thus eage r to learn about the main character of the text with interest.

Step 2

Network-based Interactive Learning(25 mins)

1.Students’ Activities

(1).Students are divided into five groups to search for and sorted out the related information according to the assigned task online

(2)A representative of each group is to share the information with the others.

2.the Purpose of Activities

Students will develop their ability to effectively sort out information on the Internet throug h group cooperation as well as feel a sense of achievement by their oral presentation.

Step3 Text-based Reading(17 mins)

Students’ Activities 1. Students are to read the text quickly, and then answer the questions according to the text. 2. Read Paragraph 3 carefully, and then answer the question ---Why did “the little tramp”become Charlie Chaplin’ famous character ?3. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks

。4. Find out the sentences that can account for Charlie Chaplin’s success from the text.

2.The Purpose of Activities

(1)Students will get the general idea as well as the structu re of the text by skimming.

(2)Students will get the detailed information and have a deeper understanding of the text.

(3) Students will get inspired while analyzing the secret to Charlie Chaplin’s success by interpre ting and appreciating some key sentences in the text.


Step 5 Homework

1. Students are to read the text carefully again and underline the phrases and sentences difficult to understand after class.

2. Write a summary (about 130 words).




1. 通过学生分享自己的旅游经历,用英语进行交流与表达。

2. 通过略读与找读,使学生获取文章主要信息,练习阅读技巧。

3. 通过小组讨论为旅游准备的物品,使学生用英语简单的语言实践活动。





I、Warming Up:

1. I’d like to share my travelling experience with you, and would you like to share your travelling experience?

2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to these rivers?


II. Pre-reading

Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong River flow through?


III. Reading

1. Skimming

Skim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph

Para 1: Dream

Para 2: A stubborn sister

Para 3: Preparation

设计意图: 略读:学生快速浏览课文,寻找相关信息并搭配段落大意。点拨阅读技巧:注意每段开头及结尾。

2. Scanning

1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information:

Who and What

Where and How

Why and When

设计意图:1.寻找who,what,where,how,why and when等关键信息,让学生把握这类记叙文的阅读要点。2. 根据图表复述,练习学生语言整合与连贯的能力。

2). Please use at least three adjectives to describe Wang Wei according to Para2, and give your reasons.


3). Read 3 and answer: what can they see along the Mekong River?

Suppose you are a tourist guide, please introduce the Mekong River briefly to your audience.


IV. Group work

Imagine that you are preparing for your own trip down the Mekong. In your groups of four: choose 5 things that you think are the most useful, and give your reasons why you choose them.


V. Summary

What have we learned in this class?




1. Read the passage as fluently as possible after class.

2. Preview Learning about Language.



Unit 3 Travel Journal

Part 1 The dream and the plan

careless waterfall

determined entire

excited view





Unit 1 Art》



1. 知识与技能目标




2. 过程与方法目标


(2)通过阅读课文利用Skimming 和 Scanning阅读技能找到每个艺术馆的地理位置、艺术特色等相关信息,提高分析处理英文信息的能力。通过寻找描述每个艺术馆的关键词培养学生的归纳总结信息的能力,同时为下一个扮演导游介绍艺术馆的活动做铺垫,提供相关的语言词汇铺垫。


3. 情感、态度、价值观目标









(三) Fast reading


(四)Detailed Reading: 详细阅读

(五)Challenge your speaking(口语能力提升)

提供参考词汇: Welcome to …

This museum is located in…

It displays(展出) art works in… centuries of …countries, including …

It will appeal to…

You shouldn’t miss…

(六)Challenge your writing (英语写作能力提升)

Watch the videos and then write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words

写作参考词汇:潍坊世界风筝博物馆(Weifang World Kite Museum)

杨家埠民间艺术大观园(Yangjiabu Folk Art Museum)

kite 风筝 wood-print new year pictures木板年画 be located in 位于

…is famous/well-known for …因…而出名 it displays/shows…展出

Here you can enjoy… 在这里你可以欣赏到… artist 艺术家 appeal to 吸引 tourist 游客 it’s well worth a visit 很值得参观



















10. 入场费(门票)

11. 一个…的收藏




15. 这家博物馆展示的不只是看得见的艺术之美,它还向你介绍了古代的生活方式。

16. 馆内没有永久展出,展品都是随时更换的。


Writing (写作测评)

Write an advertisement to introduce one of the museums in Weifang. within80 words