


Period 1&2 warming up and reading

Teaching Aims:

1.Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview

2. Enable the students to learn some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Learn about how to be a good reporter

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily?

Types of jobs What it involves


Task2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?

II. Prediction (pre-reading):

Task 3: Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:

1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?

(Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)

2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)

III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)

Task 4: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.

Task 5: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:

How to get an accurate story

How to protect a story from accusations

How to become a reporter

The skills needed

The importance of listening

Stages in researching a story

How to check facts

How to deal with accusations of printing lies

Work in a team

Task 6 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below

Task 7: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer

patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professional

A reporter A photographer

IV. Summarizing

Task 8: Write a summary of the text

V. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 3&4 Words & Expressions

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to know how to use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use some words and expressions correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Demonstrating and summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

1. occupation n.

1). Teaching is my occupation. 职业

2). Swimming is my occupation. 使…忙碌的事情;消遣

occupy v.


occupy oneself in/with sth.

employment; occupation; job; profession; vocation; work; trade

He is looking around for .

: artist

He is out of .

She chose teaching as her .

She’s a lawyer by .

He’s a carpenter by .

2. assign v.

assignment n.

She gladly accepted the assignment. (分派的任务;工作)

The English assignment is a book report. (课外作业,功课)

3. on one’s own

of one’s own

for one’s own

We should complete the test _________

4. experienced adj.

be experienced in/at sth/doing sth.

Who is experienced in cooking in your home?

5. The first/last time + 时间状语从句

The first time I came here, I was not used to the climate here.

Cover n. 封面,掩盖(物) ;


1). Tom will covered the outbreak of the disease.

2). The road was covered with snow.

3). She laughed to cover her worry.

4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day.

5). Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt?

7. Be eager for sth. (sucess)

to do sth.

that clause

He is eager to see his daughter.

We are eager that the project should be started early

be anxious about =be worried about

8. Concentrate on sth./doing sth.

We should concentrate on our study.

Tom is concentrating on fishing.

9. of +抽象名词(importance; value; use; help; benefit)

of special interest=

of no use=

The meeting is of great importance.


Each minute is _____ for us.

of greatly valuable

great valuable

of great value

for much value

10. acquire; get; gain

1). I sat in the front of the bus to ___ _ a good view of the countryside.

2). Gradually we _______ experience in how to do the work.

3). They _____the victory after a bloody battle.

11. have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏

She has an ear for music. 有鉴赏能力

She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 有眼光

12. Meanwhile=in the meanwhile

=in the meantime

=at the same time

Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house

13. trade n. v.

1). Japan does lots of trade with the United States.

2). He is a shoemaker by trade.

3). She trades 3 apples for some bananas.

14. Trick

1). 窍门,手法

2). play a trick(joke)on sb.

=make fun of sb. (玩笑,恶作剧)

3). He got into the building by a trick (诡计,花招)

15. Challenge

1).He challenge my view on that matter.

2).To finish the job in 2 days was a real challenge.

16. Support

n. 1).I need your support.

v. 1)为…提供证据,证实

2) The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.

3). He has always supported the weaker party.

4). He has a large family to support.

17. Case

1).He thought he had solved the problem , but that was not the case.

2).Here is a case of being careless.

3).We will look into that case.

in case of sth. 如果,万一…

in that/this case 在那样/这样情况下

in no case 决不

in case + 从句 以防;可能;倘若

Take an umbrella in case it rains.

(in case 从句常用一般现在时表将来, 或should+do)

17. accuse sb. of sth.

=charge sb. with sth.

Tom ____ his boss of having broken his word.





18. so as to do sth. 只能在句末

= in order to do sth.

=so that + 从句

= in order that + 从句

I got up at five so as to catch the train


19. admit

admit doing /having done

admit sb. Into/to (the university)

Lily finally admitted___ my umbrella by mistake.

to take

to have taken

having taken

have taken

20. n. adj.

profession professional 具有….特点

Finish Ex 3 on Page 29


Finish Ex1 and Ex 2 on Page 28 and Ex 3 on Page 29 (Discovering useful words and expressions)

Finish Ex 2 , Ex3 on Page 63 and Ex4 on Page 64 (Using words and expressions) in Workbook.

Period 5 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

Get the students to use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Important Points and difficult points

Use “Inversion” correctly and appropriately

Teaching methods

Task-based method; Demonstrating; discussion; summarizing; practicing

Teaching procedures:

I. Presentation

Task 1: Comprehend the following sentences

Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.

=I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.

2. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

=There was not only a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.

Inversion: 起强调作用

II. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 2: Find 4 examples of inversion in the reading passage

1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.

2. Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.

3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university.

4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know

Task 3: Analyze the sentences above and summarize the rules

1. Why can these sentences use inversion ?

2. How are these inverted sentences made?

※ 否定副词no;not;hardly, little, seldom, never, no sooner…than, no more, not only, only 等开头的句子要部分倒装。

※ 部分倒装:只把谓语的一部分(如助动词\情态动词)等放到主语前,或把句子的强调部分提前。

Task 4: Analyze more sentences below and summarize the rules

1) Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.

※ 如含有从句,只要求主句倒装

2) ______,there was no hope of her being able to sleep.

As she was exhausted

If she was exhausted

Exhausted as she was

Now that she was exhausted

※ 当as(尽管)引导让步状语时,要部分倒装

3) . I often go out for a walk after supper. So does she.

4). If you don’t wait for him, nor shall I.

※ 当so, neither, nor表示另一者也具有前面所述的情况时,要部分倒装.

III. Practice

Task 5:Do Exercise 3 on Page 30 (“Discovering Structures”)

IV. Analyzing & summarizing

Task 6: Analyze sentences below and summarize the rules

1). There appeared a man in black in the distance.

2). Under the tree sits a beautiful girl.

Inversion(倒装) → 部分倒装

↘ 完全倒装

※ 以地点副词here, there, down, under和时间副词now, then开头,后面的动词是be, come, exist, fall, follow, go, lie, remain, seem, stand等,而且主语是名词时,构成完全倒装句.

※ 完全倒装:把整个谓语动词放到主语之前

3)The teacher came in and the class began.

=In came the teacher and the class began

4).____ from the tenth floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.

A. Jumped down the thief

B. Down the thief jumped

C. The thief jumps down

D. Down jumped the thief

5). Here we are.

※ 在here, there引出的倒装句中,当主语是普通名词是用完全倒装句,当主语是代词时,则用陈述句语序(主+谓)

V. Assignment:

Do Exercise 1 on Page 64 (“Using Structures” in Workbook)

Period 6 Extensive Reading

Teaching Aims:

1. Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

2. Enable the students to consolidate some reading strategies

3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future job

Important Points and difficult points

Enable the students to know writing and printing process for an article and what is the primary source and the second source

Teaching methods

Strategic reading method; Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task1.Review the types of jobs in a newspaper

Task2. Talk about the process of making a newspaper? (Group discussion)

Give the following hints when needed: interview; do some research; write a story; check the article written by a reporter; print the first edition; set the page; check again

II. Skimming and summarizing

Task 3: Read and fill in the form

Task 4: Learn some words and expressions

1. Accurate 准确,精确

1) Is this watch accurate?

2) His information was accurate

2. set to sth./doing sth. 开始做某事

=get down to sth./doing sth

1). As soon as I got home, I set to preparing supper.

2). They’ll set to the project, as soon as it is approved.

※ Look forward to…, devote… to…, be/get used to…, lead to…, prefer…to…, pay attention to…, object to…

3. approve vi. (approval n.)

approve of sth./doing sth.

=agree to/on/with

1).Your parents won’t approve of your going there. = agree on

2).I cannot agree to this plan. =approval of

4. process v. 加工,处理

1) The street is in the process of repair

2). They are using a new process to make glass.

process food adj. 加工过的,处理的

Task 5: Retell the main process of making a newspaper

III. Read the passage on page65 (“Reading Task) and answer the following questions

IV. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

Period 7 Listening and Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. learn how to make an appointment

2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking skill

Important Points and difficult points

Learn how to make an appointment

Teaching methods

Task-based method

Teaching procedures:

I. Elaboration & prediction: get the students to predict what they will listen to and elaborate the topic to their known knowledge.

Task 1: Go over Ex1 on Page 31 and guess what they will listen to on the tape.(group discussion)

II. Listening

Task 2: Listen and circle the correct summary of the listening passage.

This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who is trying to arrange in interview with Liu Ming.

This is about a young man who wants to ask Liu Ming about how to work abroad.

Task 3: Listen to the tape again and answer questions on Page 32.

Task 4: Listen to the tape again and try to note down the dialogue (pair work)

Task5: Role-play the dialogue and elect the best actors (the most similar to the original dialogue)

III. Speaking and Listening

Discuss the phrase that may be used in making appointments (input)

Shall we make an appointment? How about…?

When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you?

Is it possible to…? I shall be busy at… and… but I can be free at…

Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at…

Task 6: Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex3 on Page 32

Task 7: Listen to the tape and do Ex 1 and Ex2 (LISTENING)) on Page 62.

IV. Assignment

Work in pairs. Make an appointment according to the situation in Ex 1 (TALKING) on Page 62





1. Instructional objectives

By the end of the class, most students are able to:

1) Use the words and the phrases they learned to complete the tasks based on the text.

2) Pronounce correctly the new words (especially “carnival” )by themselves and with the help of the teacher.

3) More than half of the students can speak fluently and accurately about their views towards carnival in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2. Educational objectives

By the end of the class, students are able to:

Improve their cultural awareness from carnival and learn more about its influence on the western culture after class

3. Personal objectives:

1) Be confident of standing on the stage and speak clearly and spontaneously.

2) Encourage students to speak in the class with different kind of techniques.


Focal points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) Improve the main reading skills through completing reading tasks in pair work and group work.

2) Use the table to finish their essay about their favorite film.

Difficult points:

By the end of the class, students are able to:

1) speak fluently and accurately about their favorite films in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.

2) Write a film review according to the table and the text.


Procedures and time allotment

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning

T: Class begins!


T: Good afternoon, class!


T: Today, let’s come to Culture Corner. Module 4. Do you know Chinese festivals?


T: First, Work in groups, discuss and make a list of Chinese festivals in English. (1min).


T: OK, time is up. You know Chinese festivals?


T: very good. For example1.

New Year’s Day 元旦节 (1月1日)

2. Spring Festival 春节 (农历正月初一)

3. Lantern Festival 元宵节 (农历正月15)

4. the Qingming Festival 清明节 (4月5日)

5. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 (农历5月初五

6. Double-ninth Day 重阳节 (农历9月初九)

7.National Day 国庆节 (10月1日)

T: And festivals brought us much traditional knowledge. So, festival is beautiful. Do you know foreign festivals?


T: In the textbook, there are some festivals with pictures. Do you know the right descriptions about them?


T: This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.


T: This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.


T: This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.


T: This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter


T: Let’s watch a video. Can you guess what festival it is? .

T: They are dressed up in special clothes, and they are wear masks.


T: now, First question is how do people feel on this festival? Second is what festival is it?


T: Yes, very good. Now, let’s watch a video about Carnival.


T: what do you remember about carnival?


T: Where did it first?


Stage 2 Pre-reading

Step 1. Listen to the tape.

T: Let's listen to the following passage to learn more about carnival. Try to find out what places are mentioned in terms of carnival celebrations.



Step 2. Scan the passage and try to answer the questions.

T: What is the meaning of carnival?


T: Originally it meant “with no meat”but now it symbolizes “life”.

Step 3. Read the passage and match column A with column B.

T: OK, now I will give you 1 minute to read it again and then I will ask you some

Stage 3 While-reading

Step 1 Read the passage. Choose the best answers to the two sentences.

T: are you finish? Let’s look at the questions.

first question is Today Carnival has become a celebration of ____. Which one you choose?

A. freedom B. harvest C. life itself D. success


T: YES, very good. Next question is We need to _____ to understand what carnival is all about.

A. look at the history of America B. go to America

C. look at the meeting of two cultures---European and African D. Both A and C



Step 2 check whether the statements are true or false.

T: …

T: Now, let’s check.With the opening of huge farms and plantations, many Africans went to look for jobs in America., what’s your idea?


T: Do you agree?


T: Excellent, in paragraph 2, this marked the beginning of the slave trade. So the question 1 is False.

T: next question 2, The Europeans imported their festivals and later the slaves learned from them and added their traditions.


T: very good. This answer in paragraph 3.


T: question 3,The slave trade was abolished and the salves took over the carnival.


T: the last, With the passing of time, carnival became a festival of the black people only.


T:Exactly! Superb!

Step 3 Skimming for specific information

Task: Answer the questions according to the passage.

T: Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Next, we will read the text again to explore how the text organized. 3minutes, Let’s go!

T: Now, let’s check your answers. What is carnival today?

Ss:Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience.

T:The second question is Where were the slaves taken from ?

Ss:In Africa


T: Excellent!

Stage5 Post-reading

Discussion: Useful questions to make up dialogues

T: there have seven questions, useful questions to make up dialogues.

Have you dressed up in special clothes?

2 What did you wear? 3 How did you feel?

4 Did you eat special food?

5 Did you give or receive gifts?

6 Did you have a holiday from school?

7 Did you enjoy yourself with your family or friends?

T: I will divide the class into 3 students in a group. 3 minutes, 1, 2, begin!


T:Time is up. which one do you choose?


T: Yes, so the theme of Frankenstein is about science and humanity.

T: OK, next group, do you have other answer?




Do exercises on Page 37-38.



1. think more ab out the relationship between science and nature.

2. describe some items and atmosphere with scien tific terms.

3. express their opinions on cloned animals and humans as well.

4. develop an interest in doing more reading and research on the topic.

教学重点 Words , phrases and sentence patterns

教学难点 Practical usage

教具 Blackboard , slides and handouts

教学内容 教法学法

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in (PPT 4-7)

Play a dialogue about height-increasing operations and ask students to fill in the blanks. After checking the answers, allow some time for students to freely express their opinions on height-increasing operations, thus introduce the major topic “science versus nature”。


用一段有关增高术的听力引入 主题,主要是考虑到这一切入点与实际生活较为贴近,比较容易让学生有话说,作为人类利用科学对自然的东西做出改变的一个典型例子可以顺其自然得引入本课主题。

Step 2 Science versus nature (PPT 8)

1. Explain the word “versus” ( Two sides are against each other)

2. Brainstorming. Ask students to think of other cases in which science goes against nature? The teacher can introduce some new vocabulary like GM food and plastic surgery which might be useful in later teaching. Show some pictures to help them better understand these things.

Suggested answers: GM food, cloning, dams, artificial rainfall, organ transplant, air-conditioner, cloud seeding, plastic surgery, euthanasia, etc.

3. Allow students some time to have a light discussion on advantages and disadvantages of any of the above cases.

4. In terms of science versus nature, what do you think the relationship between science and nature should be like?

(Both advance in harmony)



Step 3 Cloning (PPT 9-11)

1. Display pictures of Dolly and normal sheep on the screen. Tell them Dolly is a cloned sheep. But it looks no different from normal sheep. Show more pictures of cloned animals ( cloned calves, pigs, monkey and mule). Their names can be introduced here, which might arouse students’ more interest.

2. Introduce the concept of “copy”. Ask the students to think about this question: Are cloned animals exactly the same as the “mother animals”?

(They may have the same appearance but their physical qualities can be very different. Many cloned animals died at a much younger age than average.)

3. Interview one student about his feeling towards cloned animals by asking the following three questions: 1) If you happen to have a cloned cat, how would you feel? (excited) 2) What if another cat with the same appearance comes to you? (surprised and more excited) 3) What if more cats with the same appearance come to you? (shoc ked and scared)

4. Interview another student about his feeling towards a “cloned him”. Then ask the other students if they would like to see a “cloned him” and why.

5. Girls versus boys. Ask students to have a 2-minute debate on whether it would be a good idea to clone humans some day.



Step 4 Summary (PPT 12)

Give a brief summary of their debate. Point out any possible problems in their debate like the lack of ideas and supporting points. Tell students that you will read m ore about cloning in the following period and will have a further discussion.





































1) 教材给出了一些食物图片,要求界定垃圾食品还是健康食品



1。由于学生刚过完春节回校,添一下嘴唇,还很能回味到过年时的美味佳肴,因此何不充分利用这一事实。实现学生从压迫学习向主动学习的转变。激发他们交谈的兴趣,不仅实现了良好的过渡,而且借机呈现大量有关食物和饮料的词汇,实现知识的有效迁移。Brainstorm 是方法之一。

2。在回味美食的同时,引出话题healthy food,junk food,由学生给出不同的定义。允许众说纷纭,但尽量让英语作为课堂工作语言。

3。课堂上的学生饮食调查可作为更广泛的家庭饮食情况调查的铺垫 ,拟增加健康状况一览,使学生能直观的发现饮食对健康的影响,为后来的健康食谱的制定提供依据。










4。听力任务完成后建议复听,尝试再现听力中的情景(多种形式,如表演,单句复述,take notes然后完整复述或spot dictation等),为下一步的speaking做好务实而有效的准备。





1. 前面听力模块中通过听力训练得到了相关表达方式的输入,同时在最后的巩固性复述中对就医场景作了充分的铺垫,在这里speaking模块开始前让学生精彩回放Mike的就医情景。为接下来的情景会话热身。

2. 然后分别罗列病人和医生的常用的表达方式。


4。对基础薄弱的学生可以尝试:A.: 听力再现。B:范例复述或表演









C: 生词猜测。Eg.organic,eco-foods,supplement


2. 也在进行读前问答的时候,不仅关注他们的回答内容还可引出课文中或相关的新词,尤其是营养成分类的词汇以扫清文化背景障碍和语言障碍。


4。其它的语言难点可随机处理,若时间来不及,也可放到language study 模块中处理。

Language study


这一部分包括单词释意,had better,should and ought to表示给出建议的用法。教材给出单句补全,和根据2个情景给建议两种训练方式。这是本单元主要语法点。


1。在学生掌握情况比较好的情况下,可将word study大胆修改成:听教师读解释,学生写单词,而不是进行简单的搭配,事实上,在实际教学中,不少同学提前完成了,因此就需要根据学情及时调整内容或变换检测角度。


3。澄清这些Modal Verbs 的否定形式。可以将SEFC II中first aid一课中提及的各种急救场景做为情景,训练学生运用这些Modal Verbs给建议。(供程度较好学生)分成dos and don’ts 呈现给学生,要求学生用本单元所学的情态动词来给出建议。不仅使学生在具体情景中体会了这些语法项目的功能,同时也学会了一些生存技能。

4. 根据所给情景写出可能性的建议这一任务中,可以创造性地尝试让学生以小组的形式编写更多的情景,然后相互交换,针对情景给建议。以便进一步发掘教材的内在价值。

Integrating Skills


提出了snacks这个话题,同时给出了两个snacks的recipes,要求学生能模仿写recipe.教材也给出了4条writing tips.



2。建议不同小组写不同的recipe, 在模仿范文写recipe之前,须经过讨论,用丰富的体态语言表演制作过程。通过活动的形式熟悉这些有关烹饪的词汇。因为本文中出现了大量的烹饪有关的词汇。


5. 最后的recipe进行展示共享。有实物投影的可书面让学生和老师点评,没有的话,可口头表达点评。课后整理配上图片更佳,全班展示分享。

最后:让我在说一句:新教材:好 !






想法: @教材


@ 导向

@ 新教材素材库

@ 教师培训

@ 硬件依托