



1. A)like




2. A)pool




3. A)narrow




4. A)83668217




5. A)neither too light nor too heavy

B)neither too high nor too heavy

C)neither too heavy nor too light

D)neither too high nor too short



What color does the woman like?




D)None of the above.

Whom does the woman want to speak to?

A)Dick Green.

B)Mr Caron.


D)Mr King.

What is the woman going to do?

A)Make a phone call again next morning.

B)Ask the man to pass her message.

C)Call again in the afternoon.

D)Talk to the teacher by herself.

How often does the train start?

A)More than ten minutes.

B)Twenty minutes.

C)Less than 30 minutes.

D)More than 30 minutes.

How is the woman going to Hong Kong?

A)By plane.

B)By train.

C)By bus.

D)By ship.

What day is the girl talking to the boy?

A)On Friday.

B)On Saturday.

C)On Sunday.

D)On Monday.

What does the girl ask the boy to do?

A)To wear school suit.

B)To wear old clothes.

C)To plant trees.

D)Both B and C.




1. W: What’s your favourite sport, Mike?

M: I’m not quite sure. I like cycling better than camping. But I like camping better than skiing.

Q: What sport is Mike’s favourite? A

2. W: Which city do you think is the best place to have a holiday in the coming May Day holiday?

M: I think Washington may be. C

Q: What place is Jack going to spend his holiday?

3. W: What subject do you like best, Peter?

M: I like Home Economics because I want to learn how to cook healthy and tasty meals.

Q: Which is Peter’s favourite subject ? B

4. M: What does your father do ?

W: He is a doctor and he wants me to be a doctor like him. But I like singing very much. I don’t want to be a doctor.

Q: What does the girl want to be in the future? A

5. W: Can I help you?

M: I’d like to buy a coat for my son. B

Q: Where are they?

6. W: How much is the best room a day?

M: For one week it will be $700. B

Q: How much is the room a day?

7. W: It’s June now. How long will you stay here?

M: one and a half months.

Q: When will he leave? C

8. W: Excuse me, Daniel. May I use your computer?

M: Sorry, there is something wrong with it.

Q: Can the girl use the computer now? C

9. M: School is over. Why don’t you go home, Amy?

W: You know I’m a member of the Reading Club. I’m going to the library and read books with my friends.

Q: Where will Amy go before she goes home? B

10. W: How did you go to Beijing last summer?

M: By train. It was a really a wonderful trip there. And we flew back after a ten-day visit.

Q: How did the man return? A


M: What are you going to do this weekend?

W: Nothing much.

M: Then come to school earlier tomorrow.

W: Why? We don’t have lessons tomorrow

M: Of course we don’t. So please wear old clothes and strong shoes.

W: What are we going to do? Are we going to have a football match?

M: No, we are going to plant trees on the hill behind our school



W: That new TV talk show is starting this weekend. I can’t wait to see it.

M: Sorry, but you can’t watch it!

W: Oh, Dad! Why?

M: Because it’s on at the same time as my sports program and some of my friends are coming to watch the match.

W: Oh, Ok. I’ll just watch it then.

C) 听一篇短文,回答第16-20小题。读两遍。

A rich man began to learn drawing when he was 60, and he loved it very much. He drew and drew. After 20 years, there were a lot of pictures in his workroom. He thought they were very good and kept them well.

One day the old man was ill in bed, but he didn’t forget his pictures. Before he died, he said to Tom, his little grandson, “I want to give these pictures to a school, then the students will never forget me. But which school am I going to give them to, my child?”

“Well”, said the little boy, “ You ‘d better give them to a blind school.”