




  1.最崇高的事就是否认我们的这种设定Is deny our programming,

  2.人类是被自我这种幻想奴役的生物We are things that labor under the illusion Of having a self,

  3.这种感官体验和感受的`结合This accretion of sensory experience and feeling,

  4.让我们百分百的确信我们是某个人Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody

  5.手牵着手迈向灭亡Walk hand in hand into extinction,

  6.最后一个午夜 ,兄弟姐妹们退出这个不公平的游戏One last midnight, brothers and sisters Opting out of a raw deal.

  7.是进化过程中的一个悲剧性失误Was a tragic misstep in evolution.

  8.然而实际上我们谁也不是When, in fact, everybodys nobody.

  9.我们变得太有自我意识了We became too self-Aware.

  10.自然创造了有别于其自身的一面Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.

  11.我们这种生物的存在违背了自然法则We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.

  12.停止繁衍Stop reproducing,

  13.我觉得无论什么生物I think the honorable thing for species to do我觉得人类的自我意识I think human consciousness