

  很荣幸有机会能参加这次面试,我希望今天我可以很好的表现自己。现在允许我简单的自我介绍,我希望今天我可以很好的表现自己。现在允许我简单的'自我介绍。我的名字叫满鑫天,今年我22岁来自甘肃,就读于潍坊学院,主修物理。 从我名字里面大家可以看出我和蓝天的缘分,从小就有蓝天情结,梦想成为一名出色的飞行员,而对于飞行员来说好的身体素质是必备的首要条件,所以一直以来都坚持体育锻炼,保持好的身体好的心态。

  飞行途中可能会有意外发生,这就需要我们有很强的心理素质和应对关键问题的能力。我从小就注重培养自己处事不惊的态度,面对一些触不及防的问题的发生,我会比较冷静的对待,这也是我在大学一直以来做事的原则,包括学生会工作。面对紧急情况,我会先冷静自己的头脑,然后尽快想出最合适的解决办法,而不是意气行事。我想这一点对于飞行员来说是非常重要的,而且至关重要。 在以后的学习生活当中坚持自己的梦想,努力地完善自己。

  It is really a great honor to have this opportunity for this interview,I hope I can do my best to make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is Man Xintian,I am 22years old,and I’m fromGanSu.Now I am studying in WeiFang university, majoring in physics.

  From my name you can see the blue sky fate from my name,and I have the early age blue sky complex, dreamed of being a great pilot, and good physical fitness is required for the pilot of the primary conditions, so I always stick to physical exercise, maintain a good body and good frame of mind.

  Flight may have accidents, and this requires that we have a very strong psychological quality and ability to address key issues.I raised the attitude that I can’t panic when I come across the bad things from a child.When I face some diffucult thing which I can’t solve it easily,I will do it by myself calmly.This is my principle which I am doing anything in the univeisity. Including student associations work. Facing an emergency, I will calm my mind first, and then come up with the most appropriate solution as soon as possible, rather than emotional. I think this is very important for pilots, and critical.

  In later study life I will stick to my dream,improve myself effotly.