





  An explorer's outfit

  探险家的.装备The Air Force maintains many kinds of aircraft.

  空军装备了许多种航空器。The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat

  这艘摩托艇正在装备成渔船。Outfit Pirate: Assign an accessory to one of your pirates to enhance his or her stature.

  装备海盗:给某个海盗分派一件装备,他/她的能力将因此而提高。The research shows that the productivity service is out of harmony with equipment manufacturing.

  研究表明,其生产性服务业与装备制造业发展还不协调。Objects,such as provisions or baggage,that impede or encumber.

  包袱妨碍或拖累的物体,如装备或者行李The airmen were under orders to abort their mission if on-board equipment showed the slightest glitch.

  飞行员事先接到命令,如果机载装备发生哪怕一点点的故障,也要取消所执行的任务。 Equipped with sophisticated computer booking system and a team of professional experts Planning reasonable routes

  装备先进的电脑订座系统,拥有精通业务的专业人员,为旅客精心设计合理路线The airmen were under orders to abort their mission if on-board equipment showed the slightest glitch

  飞行员事先接到命令,如果机载装备发生哪怕一点点的故障,也要取消所执行的任务。Such laboratories are designed and equipped for physical containment and are posted with biohazard warning symbols


  n. 设备,装备;器材

  We have electrified education equipment and audition teaching equipment.

  我们有电教设备、听力教学设备。jewel bearing manufacturing equipment

  宝石轴承生产设备 Guarantee/warrantee of the manufacturer for the equipment

  制造商为设备提供的担保The equipment was scratched, dented in places.

  这些设备已经有刮痕,有点地方还有磕碰的缺口。The equipment is used in beating, discarding.
