



1. 知识与能力目标


(2)能够听说读写句子 This dog can help him.

Can Fifi help the blind people? No, he can’t

He only wants to play.

2. 情感态度目标



掌握用can 表述能力的陈述句和一般疑问句的问答,并能在真实情景中运用。




Step 1 Warm up

1. 师生问好。

2. 自由谈话。

T: What can you do ?

Ss: I can…

T: Can you …?

Ss: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. T: I can draw pictures. 教师在黑板上画一只小狗。

What can the dog do?/ What can’t the dog do?

Ss: This dog can…

This dog can’t…


2. 老师出示一张电视机的图片,电视机里正在播放导盲犬帮助盲人的画面。

T: What can you see on the TV?

Ss: I can see a man and a dog.

T: Look at the man. He is special. He can’t see. He is blind.

This dog can help him. It’s a special dog.

学习单词 blind, special

3. 学习课文第二段。


T: This TV presenter is talking about them. Listen carefully and answer questions: Are they in China? Who can help the blind people?


(2)Listen and repeat.

(3) Who want to be the TV presenter?

4. 学习课文。

(1)Amy has a dog named Fifi. Can Fifi help the blind people?

Listen and answer.


学习句子He only wants to play.

(2) Listen and repeat.

(3) Read and find the sentences with “can”, “can’t”.

(4) Activity book.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. Activity 3 Look and say.

T: This dog and help the blind people. What about other animals? What can they do? What can’t they do? Group work.

Ss: This panda can… This bird can’t…


2. Memory game.

老师出示一幅熊猫Panpan的图片,周围几幅小照片分别介绍了它能做的事和不能做的事。给学生几分钟观察并记忆。找一个同学到前面来,其他同学提问,如Can Panpan play football? 比一比谁答对的题最多,谁的记忆力。

Step 4 Summary



Step 5 Homework

1. Listen to the tape and copy the sentences.

2. introduce your best friend. What can he do? What can’t he do?

Step 6 Blackboard design

Module 7 Unit 1 This dog can help him.

This dog can help him.

Can Fifi help the blind people?

No, he can’t. He only wants to play.



1.th__ __ 那么,就 2.l __ t 让

3.s__ __ __ t __ __ __s 有时 4.g __ __ e 给

5.n __ __ __ t 夜晚 6.f __ __ m 从...起

7.pl __ __ gr__ __nd 操场,运动场 8.f __ __ 达,计

9.h__ __ vy 重的 10.t __ 直到


1.trick or treat _______________ 2.tidy up ______________

3.lots of________________ 4.tell stories________________

5.look different ________________


( )1. There are many ________ over there.

A. sweet B. sweets C. egg

( )2.There ________ a clock here before.

A. is B. isn’t C. wasn’t

( )3. - Do you like the park now?

- Yes, I _______.

A. do B. did C. don’t

( )4. There ______ tall trees now.

A. were B. are C. is

( )5.There wasn’t a _______ in my family.

A. child B. children C. boys

( )6.Please help _____ put the bags in the car.

A.I B. me C. his

( )7.Many families go _____ the supermarkets together.

A. on B. at C. to

( )8.Look _____ the hats and the masks.

A. at B. in C. to

( )9.It’s ______ autumn festival in the UK.

A. a B. an C. /

( )10.How ______ eggs are there?

A. many B. much C. to

( )11.Children wear ______ clothes at Halloween.

A. beautiful B. big C. scary

( )12.How _______ your school?

A. at B. many C. about

( )13.I’m going __________.

A. playing football B. to play football C. to playing football

( )14.Please _____ to my birthday party.

A. come B. to come C. comes

( )15. - What’s that?

- ____________.

A. It’s Monday. B. It’s a cat. C. I’m eleven.


( )1.You were in China for two years.

A.你在中国待了两年了。 B.你在英国待了两年了。

( )2. Then let’s feed the ducks.

A.然后我们就可以吃饭了。 B.那么让我们喂这些鸭子吧。

( )3. They are my brothers and me.

A.他是我的哥哥。 B.他们是我的哥哥和我

( )4.What a big supermarket!

A.这个超市真大呀! B.我们一起去超市吧!

( )5.This one is heavy. I can’t carry it.

A.这个太沉了,我搬不动。 B.这个很轻,我能搬动。

( )6.You are helpful children.

A.你喜欢帮助孩子们。 B.你们真是乐于助人的孩子。

( )7. Sometimes there are restaurants at the supermarket.

A.有时超市里有餐馆。 B.我喜欢餐馆和超市

( )8. It’s really fun.

A.你很有趣。 B.它真的相当有趣。

( )9. Do you know why?

A.你知道为什么吗? B.你几岁了?

( )10.He’s telling a story.

A.他有许多故事。 B.他正在讲故事。


1. Amy is go to see a film at the weekend. ____________

2. How many chick are there? ____________

3. They is Easter hats. ____________

4. I am going to is eleven. ____________

5. Sometime the eggs are small. ____________


1. What are you ________(do)?

2. I am going to ________(be) eleven.

3. There ________(be) lots of flowers on the hat.

4. But before that, you are going to help _______(I) tidy up.

5. Let’s ______(go) to the supermarket.


A. an B. a lot of C. in D. on E. after.

1.There is ________ fruit, too.

2. Have _______ ice cream.

3. _______ lunch, we’re going to tell stories.

4.There are toy chicks _______ the hats.

5.Easter is _____ spring in the UK.


1. many They sell things different.


2. are to going We stories tell.


3. so You scary look.


4. now three children There are.


5. is the This house cat’s.



The city is very beautiful now. There weren’t any trees. Now there are many trees. And there is a supermarket now. We can go shopping there. There was a small park there before. Now it’s big. Many people like there.

( )1. There were many trees before.

( )2. There are two supermarket now.

( )3. There was a big park here before.

( )4. Many people like the park.

( )5. The city is very beautiful now.


There is a shop near our home. It isn’t a big shop. But it sells different thins. It sells food from lots of countries. It also sell clothes, fruit and cars. All of us like the shop. Dad, Mum and I are going to go shopping at the weekend. I’m going to buy ice creams, biscuits and apples in the shop, and they are going to buy milk, bread and eggs.

( )1. There is a shop near our ______.

A. school B. home

( )2. The shop is ________.

A. big B. small

( )3. We’re going to go to shop at the _______.

A. weekend B. night

( )4.I want to buy _______, biscuits and apples.

A. milk B. ice creams

( )5.They are going to buy milk, _______ and eggs.

A. bread B. flowers




熟练掌握单词与短语:blind, show,special,clever

熟练掌握重点语句:This dog can help him.

Can Fifi help the blind people?

No, he can’t .He only wants to play.

使学生能够灵活运用can ,can’t 描述动物具有的能力,并且能用can对动物是否具有某种能力进行提问。






Step 1 Warming up

Draw an animal on the blackboard. Let the students guess what animal it is .

It’s a dog.


Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Draw a man beside a dog. Then draw the man to blind. Talk about it then teach the word“blind”.Watch a TV show and answer a question“Who can help the blind man ?”

2. Listen to the passage and repeat it. Try to be the TV presenter.




3.Listen to CDROM and answer the question “Can Fifi help the blind people? ”

Write down the sentence on the blackboard and repeat it.

4.Listen again and answer the question “What does he want to do?”

5. Listen and circle the sentences with “can or can’t”.

6. Memorizing game. Guess what the special animals can do .

7. Listen the passage and repeat it.

8. Do some exercises on AB p26 1: Read the text and circle.


Step 4 Consolidation and extension

1. Talk about pictures about some special animals. Then the students talk about them in group using "This…can … . This …can’t … . "

3. Give each group a picture of an animal, let each group watch and discuss. For example, “It’s white. It’s fat. It can catch the mouse. It can’t swim.”

Then show it.


Step 5 Summary

1, 引导学生自主回顾本节课所学知识,引导学生发现生活中动物对人类的帮助,培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的意识。

2, 用课件展示搜救犬、缉毒犬、警犬等多种犬类,并显示英文。让学生在知晓狗是人类的朋友的基础上展示“The dogs are our friends. We love dogs. We love animals.”

Step 6 Homework

1. Listen to the tape for 5 times .

2. Try to find other helpful animals and try to describe them.



Module 1 Unit1

We lived in a small house.



(1)New words: life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady

(2)New sentences:There were/weren’t …. There are….

We lived…many years ago. We live…now.


(1)能根据情境正确使用There be ……,We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物


教学重点::如何让学生在课堂上学会 There be …, We lived…many years ago. We live…now.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。




do_____ is____ are_____

live_____ have______ watch____






重点句式操练Listen and say。先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:There is/are……/There was/were……造句。




引导学生对本节所学内容进行归纳总结:运用句式…There be.We lived…many years ago . We live …now.谈论及比较过去和现在的生活。



She didn’t have a television.


能听说读写单词:lady fire radio field telephone hope

1. 能熟练运用这类句子”She didn’t…She worked…谈论人们过去的生活。

2. 学会归纳动词的过去式,并能灵活运用。

3. 教学重点:



一. 预习检测


有关中国的节目 many years ago

许多年以前 programme about China

谈论 last night

在田野里 on a fire

昨天晚上 in the fields

在火上 talk about






