




willing ,devote,cure,disadvantage,shock,institute,admire,debt,expedition,

merchant, exist,chart,botany,disaster,crew.


devote…to 把……用在;把……献给

succeed in (干)……成功

give off 发出(光、热等)

in honour of 为了纪念……;为向……表示敬意

above all 首先;首要

set off 使爆炸;引起;出发

pay off 偿清(欠款等)

at sea 在大海上;在航海

take…by surprise 使……吃惊;出奇兵攻占

in charge of 主管;负责

set out 出发;开始

in search of 寻找


(1)I’m (not)sure… I’m not sure whether/if…

(2)I doubt if/whether…

(3)Making a map of the east coast was an important job.

(4)The men often fall ill and suffer fever.

(5)They will provide us with eggs and meat.


(1)I doubt if he’ll be asked to speak again next year.

(2)Perhaps I’ll go to that one.

(3)Maybe it was useful for some people.

(4)How did you find the talk this morning?

(5)I shall insist on leaving at 7 a.m.sharp.

(6)We’ve decided to do sth./that…

(7)Have you decided which boat to take?

(8)I suggest doing sth.


1.have something(nothing,much,little)to do with与……有(没有,有很大,有一点)关系。

①I have nothing to do with that young man.

②His job has something to do with telephones.

③This has little to do with what we are talking about.

④Do you have anything to do with that club?

2.doubt v.& n.怀疑,不相信



doubt 从句在否定句及疑问句中多跟that



①I doubt the truth of this report.

②They have never doubted of success.

③I don’t doubt that you are honest.

④Can you doubt that he will win?

⑤I doubt if that was what he wanted.


beyond(all)doubt毫无疑问;in doubt怀疑,犹豫,不肯定;no doubt肯定地,想必;without doubt毫无疑问,一定地

①The truth of the story is beyond doubt.

②I was in doubt about what to do.

③No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture.

④Without doubt these theories were all wrong.

3.How do (did )you find…?(你觉得/认为……怎么样?)是征求对方对某人、某事的看法或意见的用语。回答时在find 后要跟复合宾语。

How did you find the dishes?

(I found them)Tasteless.

How do you find Peter Gray?

I found him dishonest.

4.admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./sth.to enter)

He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.


I admit my fault.She admitted having read the letter.He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.

5.be remembered as…作为……而被人们怀念

He will always be remembered as a national hero.

6. ( be)determined to do sth.下定决心做……

determine to do sth.决定(心)做……

①I was determined not to follow their advice.

②I left him,determined never to set foot in that house again.

③She determined to go that very afternoon.


①He didn’t come for a certain reason.

②A certain person called on me yesterday.

③She will do it on certain conditions.

some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词

①He is living at some place in East Africa.

②I’ve read that story before in some book of other.

8.succeed in sth.(doing sth.)(干……)成功,其反义词组;fail in sth.(doing sth.)或fail to do sth.;名词success;形容词successful

9.give off,放出(光、烟、气味等)、散发,

give out,放出,发出(声音,光线,气味等),(食物、燃料、力量等)用尽、筋疲力尽。

①These red roses give off a sweet smell.

②This device gives out flashes of light in the fog.

③Both my strength and money gave out.

10.in honour of sb.(sth.) 为了纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动。

①A memorial meeting was held in his honour.

②It is only a dance in honour of my birthday.

11. devote…to…把……献给,把……用在

devote oneself to…致力于,献身于

be devoted to…专心致志于,献身于,忠于

①Mary devotes too much time to eating.

②He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.

③He devoted himself entirely to music.

④He was still devoted to the study of chemistry.

⑤He is very devoted to his wife.

12.believe in 信任

①We believe in Marxism.

②You can believe in him.

③We believe in our government.

set off (for)出发,动身(去某地)

set off 引爆

13. set out to do sth.着手……


set about


①We’ll set off fox Xi’an at six tomorrow.

②Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.

③He set out to break the record for the crosschannel swim.④I don’t know how to set about this job.

14.have effect on 对……有影响,相当于affect:

It has had such a bad effect on him.

15.above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是

after all 到底,毕竟

at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。

in all 总共

all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)

①We have all but finished the work.

②The day turned out fine after all.

③Children need many things ,but above all they need love.

④He wasn’t at all tired.

⑤Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?

⑥There were twenty in all at the party.

16.order food 叫食物

order n.&vt./vi.订购……

place an order for sth.订购……

order sth.from…向……订购……

order sb.sth. order sth.for sb.为某人订购……

I have ordered you some new clothes.

17.insist on doing sth.坚持做……

suggest doing sth.建议做……

enjoy doing sth.喜欢做……



up,can’t help,imagine, leave off,mention,mind,miss,postp

-hone,practise,put off, resist,risk,can’t understand,und



Look forward to,object to ,be used to,in addition to,prefer…to,according to,stick to,etc.

18.live animals活着的动物


live adj. (置于名词之前)



alive,(more alive,most alive)活着的;有活力的,活泼的;(不置于名词之前)常作表语。

a live (living) fish 一条活鱼

不能用an alive fish

a live TV broadcast实况转播的电视节目

catch a lion alive活捉狮子

①Although old,he is very much alive.

②My grandmother is more alive than a lot of young people.

③The wounded soldier is still living.

lively adj.精神的,有生气的,活泼的,生动的

a lively boy,

a lively discussion.

Her talk was lively and interesting.

19.throw away抛弃

throw in插进(话语)

throw off脱

throw out 抛出,丢弃

throw over把……抛过去(抛回),抛弃(朋友)

20.Provide sb.with sth.供给某人……

provide it 供给……,提供……


n.eg.The hotel will provie tents.

n.+for sb. sb.+with sth.

eg.They provide food and books for the children.

They provide the children with food and books.

provide for赡养,抚养

He had to provide for a big family

supply vt.提供……供给……


sth.to sb. sb.with sth.

They didn’t supply those children with books for studying.

They didn’t supply books to those children for studying.

21.go bad 变坏

类似的:go wrong,go mad,etc.

go 通常表示不好的变化。

Alice’s face went red with anger.

My husband’s hair is going gray.

22. at sea 在航海中,在海上

at the sea 在海边


go to sea 当水手,当海员

go to the sea 到海边去

keep house 料理家务

keep the house呆在家中不出门

in bed 睡着,躺在床上

in the bed在床上

at play在玩,正在游戏

at the play 在看戏

23.fall ill 生病,得病

①Tom is absent,for he has fallen ill.

②John was caught in the storm and he fell ill.

24.keep sb.healthy使……保持健康


①I was so tired that I could hardly keep myself awake.

②I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.

③Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

④They kept us out.

⑤Once a cold kept him in bed for three days.

25.take an interest in 对……感兴趣

have an interest in 对……感兴趣

lose interest in 对……失去兴趣

①He has a great interest in stamp-collecting.

②I lost my interest in history.

③His father took no interest in him.

26.pay for 付……的货款,为……付代价

pay off 全部还清,偿请(借款)

①Did you pay 300 yuan to him for that bicycle?

②I have just paid off my loan from the bank.

③You’ll have to pay for your mistakes.

27.suffer v.受苦,遭受。

①She suffered greatly as a child.

②He suffered the loss of a leg during the war.

③She suffers from stomach-aches.

28.break out(战争、火灾、疾病、瘟疫等的)爆发

①The American Civil War broke out in 1861.

②Fire broke out in the neighbour last night.

break out in (into)…忽然(做出)……

break out in laughter突然放声大笑

break in (强盗等)强行闯入

break into闯入;打碎(打破)成……

break up 分开,分割

29.take…by surprise对……突然袭击,出乎……意料。

His parents took him quite by surprise when they suddenly appeared at the door.

30.in charge of prep.担任……,管理……,负责

in the charge of a personin a person’s charge由(某人)照料(管理)

take charge of 担任……,接管。

My father is in charge of this company.

31.set sail 扬帆启航

The ship set sail for Europe.

32.head south向南行

head vi.向……前进,朝某方面行进。后面接for,forward的介词短语,或表示方向的副词east,eastward等。

①Where are we heading?

②Those ships are heading for HongKong.







bring in 引入;增加 hand in hand 并进;联合

try out 试验 think up 想出

at the last moment 在最后一刻 get rid of 处理;去掉

break up分解;腐蚀 break down出毛病;不运转;分解

at one time(以前)有过一段时期

a mountain of/mountains of (一)大堆;大量的

shut down (放下)关上;关闭(企业等)


(1)Since production in creases,the price can be reduced.

(2)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertise


(3)There have been major changes in advertising in the past sixty years.

(4)No matter how much you want to bathe(in the sea),it just isn’t safe.

(5)I suppose it is better to be safe than sick.

(6)It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers.





1.I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)


A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning exercises.

2.Do you think so?


think等及It appear…,It seems和I’m afraid连用。

“Will they go to see him?”

“I believe so.(I believe[that]they will go to see him.)”

②表示否定时,用not代替so,但在believe,suppose,think等动词之后,如I don’t think(believe,suppose)so等,通常仍可与so连用。


I doubt about it.(√)

I doubt so.(×)

3.agree with同意……,(气候,食物等)适合于某人;和……相一致(常用于否定句)。

The climate here doesn’t agree with me.

agree to …赞成……

agree on 就……取得一致意见或看法

4.persuade sb.to do sth.


persuade sb.into doing sth.


try to persuade sb.to do sth.

advise sb.to do sth

①We try to persuade him to stop smoking,but he still smokes now.

②He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.

n.Persuade sb.out of 说明(人)停止,劝阻


His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.

5.express one’s satisfaction with对……表示满意

be satisfied with对……感到满意

The officials expressed their satisfaction with the preparation for the exhibition.

6.at the top of在……的顶部,上方

at the top of a mountain在山顶

She is (at)the top of her class in French.

at the top of one’s voice高声地,尖声地

7.bring in 把……拿进来;收获;赚入……;获利

They bring in one million dollars a year from their new company.

8.carry out 搬出;进行

①Would you please carry the chairs out?

②The plan should be carried out at once.

9.ask for 要求,请求

ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求 (要求)……

She asked for some advice on how to learn English well.

10.It is a waste of time/money to do sth.干……浪费时间(钱)

It’s a waste of time to fix this watch.

11.instead of,prep.代替……,而不是

I don’t like beer;Please give me cola instead.

12.would say总是会说……

would有过去、常常……之意,但它与used to 的用法不相同的。

①表示过去持续的状态或感情总是used to 而不是would。因此,would不与表示状态的动词连用。

There used to be a hospital/here.(√)


There would be…(×)

②used to 和would都可以表示过去规则的行为,但通常would是在过去不大规则的行为时,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强时使用,而used to 则在客观地陈述相当期间的规则行为时使用。

“I’ll leave this job for a better one”,he would say when he was scolded by his boss.

③“would”常与“often,sometimes,for hours”等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。

④与现在或将来比较而表示“以前经常……”的意思时,用used to。

He will not have the money to spend on books as he used to.

13.think up 想出,想起(办法等)

The students try to think up an idea to play football without being seen.

think over熟虑;think out 想出,想透(问题等)

think of考虑,认为,想起think about 考虑,想出

think aloud自言自语

14.in the past sixty years在过去的60年里(常与现在完成时连用)

Great changes have taken place in the past few years.

15.start with 以……开始

Today’s class starts with a question.

16.at the last moment在最后关头

at the moment 此刻;正在那时 for a moment片刻;一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时in a moment立刻,马上

17.point out 指出(to+n.)

The teacher pointed out my mistakes to me.



He quietly pointed his gun at the deer.

18.be crowded with 挤满……

crowded 还可作adj.

The bus was crowded with people.

a crowded train(street)

(交通拥挤是heavy[busy]traffic,不能说crowded traffic)

19.admire sb.for…佩服某人的……

We admire him for the boy’s courage.

be shocked

20. be astonished at sth.(to do,从句)

be surprised



search for:look for寻找

The police searched the room for the thief.

22.remind sb.+than-clause.使人想起(某事),提醒

remind sb.to do sth.使(某人)想起做(某事);提醒某人做(某事)

I reminded him to work hard.

23.It looks as if…看起来好象……

It seems as if…似乎……It seems that…It appears as if/that…

It looks as if it’s going to snow.

24.no matter how 无论怎样……引导让步状语从句。

类似的no matter who,no matter what,no matter when,no matter where…ect.

No matter what he says,I won’t believe him.

25.suppose+that-clause 以为,假如

suppose vt.以为,猜想,假定

suppose sb.+(to be)+adj./n


①I supposed that she was an English teacher.

②All the students supposed him to be the headmaster.

26.not+adj./adv.+enough+不定式 不够……,(以致)不能……

大体相当于 too…to …

He is not old enough to go to school.

(=He is too young to go to school.)

27.deal with 对付,处理(常与疑问代词how连用)

do with处理(常与疑问副词what)

She knows well how to deal with her parents.

28.get rid of 除去,除掉,摆脱(疾病等麻烦事物)

How can I get rid of the pain in the chest?

29.break up驱散;分散,破坏(关系)

break down毁坏;分体;故障

The police used teargas to break up the demonstration.

30.against the law违反法律

be against反对,违反

be for赞成,支持

Abraham Lincoln was strongly against slavery.

31.at the bottom of 在……底部,下端

at the bottom of a hill在山脚下

She is always at the bottom of the class.

32.at one time 往昔;曾有一时

At one time there wer not so many cars on the streets.

33.set up建立,设立,创设

A new government was set up after the civilwar.

34.fight against(with)与……战斗

fight for 为……战

fight against与……搏斗

35.seek to 尝试,试图


seek for(after)+n.找寻


We must seek (for)a solution to the problem.

36.be active in在……方面很积极

take an active part in积极参加

①He was active in helping others.

②He takes an active part in all kinds of sports.

37.multiply A by B A乘以4。

Mulitiply 3 by 4.3乘以4。

4 multiplied by 2 is 8.

38.take out去除(污点等)(本课的用法)


My parents are taking me out to a show tonight.

You will have to have the tooth taken out.

39.shut down关闭……;停止营业

①This factory has shut down.

②Shut down the window.

Shut off 关掉

40.be disappointed with(at,about)对……失望

I was disappinted at (in,with)the result.

be disappointed to do做……而感到失望

His uncle was disappointed to hear the news.





2、课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,教师起到“设 计者、研究者、促进者、协调者”的作用。

3、在教学中,突出交际性,注重读写的实用性,要进行情感和策略 调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。







本单元以世界纪录为中心话题,只要内容涉及以阿里西塔福尔曼为代表的几个世界吉尼斯纪录的保持者及其运动经历,重点讨论了创造吉尼斯纪录所必备的身体素质心理素质创新意思 以及挑战自我的决心和毅力语言和技能都是围绕这一中心展开的。



(1)重点:1.了解记叙文的文体特点并以此指导阅读;训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;3.对文章深层次的理解及细节的欣赏,认识及分析主人公的人物特征及人物性格。

(2)难点: 1。阅读技能的训练;2.对记叙文的鉴赏能力及人物评价。





②在阅读中体会并初步掌握生词、词组 句型 的用法



①了解吉尼斯纪录的相关知识、以及勇于挑战并打破 纪录的杰出人物应具备的品质







通过阅读让学生了解到阅读过程中与很多阅读障碍,不可求全责备,调整心态和注意力 ,通过读懂细节,推断隐含内容,要掌握大意。获取所需信息。










教学方法 :问答法(question and answer) 讨论法discussion 辩论法(debate)taks-based method(任务教学法)


①Multi-media computer; OHP(overhead projector); tape recorder; PowerPoint






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一、 完形填空的题型特点


1. 短文难度基本稳定,与高中英语教材课文难易基本相当。

2. 短文选材一般为故事性文章,极少采用其他题材的文章。但往往不按时间顺序平铺直叙,有插叙或倒叙。有时还夹有描述和议论。

3. 短文的第一句不设空格,提供给考生一个思路,以便考生做题。

4. 考查内容主要是逻辑上的通顺,极少是考语法。所以每题四个选项大多属同一语法范畴。

5. 短文长度基本稳定,一般在250~300个单词左右。


1. 同义、近义词辨析型。多倾向考查动词、名词、形容词。


2. 固定搭配型。多倾向考查动词和介词或副词、名词和介词、形容词和介词,典型句子结构的搭配

3. 常用语法。 时态和语态、从句连词。

4. 根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项型

三、 完形填空的解题步骤

1、通读全文,领会大意(2-3分钟) 2、逐句阅读,选出答案 (6-7分钟)











5.动笔时先易后难,先完成容易、有把握的答案,这样可以增强自信心,然后再集中精力解决难点。对于实在无法确定的,可以从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。 在不能确定答案的情况下,要凭语感和第一感觉。一经确定的答案不要轻易改动

6. 结合 生活常识和中西方文化及上下文选出答案。


1. 近可能多的积累和接触不同的新词汇,并有意识的记忆常考高频词。

2. 提高阅读速度,训练快速阅读。以同桌或小组的形式训练。

3. 训练题型不要过于单一,除了常规训练外,可以尝试选词填空、无词猜词和篇章翻译等题型的训练。

4. 选择性做题,可以分类选择。记叙文、议论文、 说明文等有代表性的做几篇。或选择做2006-2008年的高考真题。

5. 要有规律的做题,题不在多而在精。每做一篇都要善于对比自己的思路和文章作者的思路。每做一篇都要总结自己失分的原因,并在下次做题时提醒自己不要再犯。


一、 教材分析




w 本课是高中一年级英语上册 ,unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.

w 本单元的中心话题是“世界英语”,具体涉及“英语在当今世界范围内人们生活中扮演的不同角色及其重要意义,以及英美语言的差异”。本课的语言知识及语言技能主要是围绕“世界英语”这一中心话题进行设计的。

w 本课时主要分为两部分:

1)Pre-reading. (读前准备)

“ 读前准备”部分是Reading的前奏,此部分设计了两个问题,诱发学思考。通过对问题的讨论和比较,让学生明白学好英语的重要性。

2).Reading (阅读)















1. 语言目标


2. 情感目标

让学生领会英美不同文化差异和风俗习惯, 领会语言丰富多彩性和发展变化的特征,使学生在认识世界英语在人们生活中扮演的不同角色的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。





1、导入:首先在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题“Do you know how many countries use English as their mother tongue?Do you know something about English around the world?”在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生:What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? How many countries do you know use English as their mother tongue?使学生对本节课的话题有进一步了解,而且很有兴趣了解“世界英语”的具体情况。从另一个角度,先给学生一个语言上的input。激发学生的兴趣和欲望.

2、Pre-reading (读前准备):在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生看这一部分课本上所设的两个问题: 1) How many languages do you speak? Which is your native language? 2) If you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages?让学生仔细思考后回答。教师不必忙着下结论,诱导他们从书中去思考寻找答案,激发他们探究的兴趣。


任务 1:Listen to the tape ,听录音,然后让学生尽力得出大意并且回答问题

1. How many countries are there where the majority of people speak English?

2. How is English used in Hong Kong?

3. What language should we use on the Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world ?




1、There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.()

2、There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.()

3、New Zealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the Philippines use English as their mother tongue.()

4、More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.()

5、English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.( )



1、 According to the text, which is TRUE about those who use

English as a second language?

A. English is also their mother tongue.

B. They use more than two official languages in their country.

C. People enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.

D. They learn English at high school for about five years.

2、 What’s the situation of English used in China?

A. Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.

B. All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.

C. The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.

D. The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.

3、 What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. There are more than 42 countries where th majority of the people speak English in the world.

B. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.

C. English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.

D. English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.

4、 Which is right according to the text?

A. Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.

B. English will be the only English to be used in the future.

C. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

D. With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.

5、 Which is WRONG to answer the following questions

Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?

A. More and more people will become interested in English.

B. English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

C. We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.

D. English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.



任务5:分小组讨论:1)Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties. 3) Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。 教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /Excellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great…



Through learning this passage, we have got to know that English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the new century. With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. So it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English. And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well. But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese. We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country. (这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。It’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well

as to learn English well.)



2、完成Post-reading Ex.2。