




Listen, sing and act.


I have a pencil.我有一支铅笔

I have a pencil.我有一支铅笔

It is new. It is new.它是新的,它是新的。

Here is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。

Here is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。

It is new. It is new. 它是新的,它是新的。

Unit2 Page 10

Piggy bank: pencil铅笔 new新的

Unit2 Page11 LET’S CHANT

Listen, say and act.

Who took the book from Andy’s bag? 谁从安迪的袋子拿走了图书?

Amy took the book from Andy’s bag. 艾米从安迪的手提袋里拿了本书。

Who? Me? Can’t be! 谁?我吗?不可能!

Koto took the book from Andy’s bag. Koto从安迪的手提袋里拿了本书。

Unit2 Page11 PIGGY BANK: book书 bag书包 ruler尺子

Unit2 Page12 LET’S MOVE

Listen and act.

Show me your pencil-case. 拿出你的笔盒给我看。

Show me your ruler. 拿出你的尺子给我看。

Show me your rubber. 拿出你的橡皮擦给我看。

Open your book. 打开您的书。

Close your book. 合上您的书。


Eighty one: Let's play hide and see.

Eighty two: Count after ten.

Eighty three: I'm ready.

Eighty four: Start!

Eighty five: Let's jump together.

Eighty six: Stop!

Eighty seven: What's in it?

Eighty eight: Let's open it, and see.

Eighty nine: Here are two cakes.

Ninety: These are oranges.

a: Let's play hide and see.

Count after ten, Edda!

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten.

I'm ready.


b: Boys and girls, Let's jump together.

Yes sir.

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten.


c: This is my bag.

What's in it, Robbie?

Let's open it and see.

One cake two apples three oranges and a banana.

d: I'm hungry, mum!

Here are two cakes.

These are oranges.

Thank you, mom.


[00:06.70]第一单元 我的教室

[00:13.40]A let's learn

[00:15.43]A 让我们一起学习

[00:17.45]What's in the classroom?


[00:21.60]A board,two lights,many desks and chairs.


[00:28.08]classroom window

[00:31.86]教室 窗户

[00:35.63]picture door

[00:39.17]图画 门

[00:42.71]board light

[00:46.18]写字板 光管

[00:49.66]Let's do


[00:55.09]Open the door Turn on the light

[01:01.01]打开门 打开灯

[01:06.93]Sweep the floor Clean the window

[01:11.05]拖地 清洁窗户

[01:15.18]Put up the picture Clean the board

[01:19.06]挂上图画 清洁写字板

[01:22.94]Open the door Turn on the light

[01:29.36]打开门 打开灯

[01:35.79]Sweep the floor Clean the window

[01:39.76]拖地 清洁窗户

[01:43.73]Put up the picture Clean the board

[01:47.77]挂上图画 清洁写字板

[01:51.80]Let's talk


[01:59.25]Hello,Mike.Hi,Amy.This is Zhang Peng,our new classmate.

[02:02.83]你好,Mike, 你好.这位是张鹏我们的新同学

[02:06.41]Mike,we have a new classroom.


[02:10.56]Really?Let's go and have a look.Wow,It's so big!


[02:18.89]Look,this is my new desk.


[02:23.02]We have 6 new lights Where's my seat?


[02:28.98]It's near the door.


[02:32.14]Let's talk. Hello,Mike.

[02:34.57]让我们一起说说话. 你好,Mike.

[02:37.00]Hi,Amy.This is Zhang,Peng,our new classmate


[02:43.06]Mike,we have a new classroom.


[02:47.21]Really?Let's go and have a look.


[02:51.78]Wow,It's so big!


[02:56.04]Look,this is my new desk.


[03:00.30]We have 6 new lights.Where's my seat?


[03:06.23]It's near the door.


[03:09.39]Let's chant.


[03:14.95]Work and play.Work and play.In the classroom every day.


[03:28.72]Work and play. Work and play.We have fun every day.


[04:02.76]Read and write


[04:09.99]A a ant apple hand

[04:17.71]A 蚂蚁 苹果 手

[04:25.43]B b beef boy ball

[04:30.42]B 牛肉 男孩 球

[04:35.41]C c cat cake car

[04:41.03]C 猫 蛋糕 汽车

[04:46.64]D d doctor duck desk

[04:52.27]D 医生 鸭子 课桌

[04:57.90]E e egg elephant bed

[05:03.18]E 蛋 大象 床

[05:08.45]B Let's learn

[05:12.53]B 让我们一起学习

[05:16.60]LOOK!This is my classroom.The wall is white.


[05:22.98]The floor is green...


[05:26.22]computer fan