


一 . 听说训练中应注意几个问题

1.注意区分语音、语调 在英语里有不少读音相近,但意思却截然不同的词汇,象 cure[kjue]( 医愈 ) 和 kill[kill]( 杀死 ),menu( 菜单 ) 和 manure( 肥料 ) 等。设想如果有一个医生想说 :I'll cure you.( 我要治好你的病。 ) 却因发音不好 , 说成 :I'll kill you.( 我要杀死你。 ) 那病人会吓成什么样子。又比如 , 有人对你说 : I am thirty.My wife is thirty,too. 而你听到的却是 : I am dirty. My wife is dirty,too. 你一定会莫名其妙。实际上 , 所差之外就是一个音素。因此 , 我们从一开始就要注意区分和模仿正确的语音、语调,这样进行听力训练才能取得应有的效果。

2.创造一定的听、说环境 语言的学习重在应用,应用在交流中实现,因此环境对于语言学习的作用举足轻重。如果没有良好的语言环境,学到的语言技能得不到应用,就会显得生涩,且记忆不牢固。对于国内中学生来说,语言环境可遇不可求,那些没有语言环境的同学可以利用录音机,把课文、对话或成品磁带录制下来反复听和模仿,还可以把自己的口头作文和复述录下来,仔细审听,发现问题,及时纠正。但是,在自然条件下,听与说是不能分的。一个人听的过程实际是另一个人说的过程。如果有条件的话,能把自学的伙伴组织起来,定期开展会话活动,或利用社会上,公园中提供的 外语之角 等条件,既练了说,又练了听,在实际的语言环境中练习,才能取得长足的进 步。

3.要有不怕错的精神 练习听、说的过程中难免出错,特别是成年人,往往因害怕听错、说错,不敢张口练习。然而,语言是一种习惯,没有反复的应用难以产生熟练的技巧。会话重在达意,只要达到交流的目的,这种听、说实践就应该说是基本成功的。出了错,注意总结经验,自学改正就是了。



1) 听句型练习和小故事:这一阶段要注意通过时间较长,难度较大,语言现象较复杂的听力材料来解决语音、词汇和语法这三方面的问题。如果采用难度级别较低的句型练习材料,就要加大单位时间听力材料的数量,并争取在回答或重复时提高自己的准确度。总之,应在材料难度及反应速度方面下功夫。在听小故事方面可听《如此故事》(WHAT A STORY)一类的成品录音带。其特点是在录制故事时,有意识地安排了好几个人插话,提问,以中断某人叙述的方式来进行 一些意见交流,这也可算作情景对话,得同简单的问答式对话大不相同,它更接近真实生活,也更自然。


3)收听电台对外广播:电台的英语涉及政治、经济、文化等各方面内容,语言比较规范,播音员语音、语调又是楷模,因此听英语广播是学习英语的极好途径。例如北京电台(Radil Beijing)。听时要摸索新闻广播的一般规律,注意培养听新闻的一些基本技巧和方法。如果一开始感到困难,可以采取以下两个辅助办法, 即在听广播之前阅读《中国日报》 (CHINA DAILY) 或《 新华电讯稿》 (XIN-HUA NEWS BULLETIN) 等有关文章。这样,在内容和词汇有一定准备的情况下,听英语广播就会容易得多 。另外,可以把新闻和评论录制下来,反复精听,逐句推敲。在这一阶段,还应进行听说配合的群练,做口头作文等等 , 并开展力所能及的讨论。


1. What's the matter with Steve?

A. He has a cold.

B. He has the flu.

C. He has a stomachache.

2. How long has Steve been sick?

A. since Friday

B. since Saturday

C. since Sunday

3. How often should Steve take the medicine the doctor prescribes?

A. three times a day with meals

B. four times a day before meals

C. three times a day after meals

4. What does Carla suggest he do?

A. take herbal medicine

B. see another doctor

C. eat chicken soup

5. What does Steve decide to do?

A. talk to another friend

B. listen to Carla's suggestion

C. see the same doctor again


1. He has a cold.

2. since Sunday

3. three times a day after meals

4. take herbal medicine

5. listen to Carla`s suggestion


Carla: So, how are things going, Steve?

Steve: Well, to be honest Carla, I was feeling great on Saturday, but I started to feel sick Sunday afternoon. I thought I'd get better, but I feel worse than before. And I'm really worried because I'm scheduled to give a presentation at work on Friday, so I have to be better by then.

Carla: Well, what seems to be the problem?

Steve: Well, I thought I had the flu, but the doctor said it was just a bad cold. He gave me some cold medicine to take care of my stuffy nose and fever. I'm supposed to take the medicine three times a day after eating, but it doesn't seem to help. He also told me to stay off my feet for a day or so, but I'm so busy these days.

Carla: Listen, forget about that medicine! I have just the thing to get rid of bad colds. You see, my mom is really into herbal medicine.

Steve: Oh, no thanks.

Carla: Ah, come on! Give it a try. You just take some of my mom's herbal tea and drink it four times a day. Believe me. You'll be up and dancing around in no time.

Steve: Dancing around in no time, right? Well, I guess. Nothing else seems to be doing the job.

Carla: Great. I'll come by your place at 7:30. See you then.


1. flu (noun): informal for influenza, like a very bad cold with chills and fever

- Sometimes, doctors have to be very discreet when talking with their family about patients.

2. stuffy (adjective): closed or blocked

- I have a really stuffy nose and can't breathe very well.

3. be supposed to (verb): expected to do something

- She was supposed to stay in bed and rest, but she went to work instead.

4. seem (verb): appear

- My dad didn't seem very sick this morning, but he got worse during the rest of the day.

5. stay off your feet (idiom): put into action

- If you want to get better, you have to stay off your feet for a few days.

6. get rid of (phrasal verb): do away with, eliminate

- Try my garlic soup. It'll help get rid of your bad stuffy nose.

7. come on: said to encourage someone to do something

- Come on! Call and make an appointment to see the doctor. You're not going to get better on your own.