



The Master said, to learn and at due times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one's merits are unrecognized by others, is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?


The Master said, "At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty, I planted my feet firm upon the ground. At forty, I no longer suffered from perplexities. At fifty, I knew what were the biddings of Heaven. At sixty, I heard them with docile ear. At seventy, I could follow the dictates of my own heart; for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right."


The Master said, incomparable indeed was Hui! A handful of rice to eat, a gourdful of water to drink, living in a mean street. Others would have found it unendurably depressing, but to Hui's cheerfulness it made no difference at all. Incomparable indeed was Hui!



Learn extensively, inquire carefully, think deeply, differentiate clearly, and practice faithfully.

(选自丁往道 Glimpse of Chinese Culture)


A man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.

(选自 Selected Works of Mao Tsetung, vol. 5)


The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.

(陈启达 译)


The way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. While the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.

(陈启达 译)


The gentleman must value his words. If he values his words, then he brings honor to his person; if he brings honor to his person, then his way will be prized.



Everything in the world has its "that side"; everything in the world has its "this side". What is ignored from "that side" may be perceived from "this side".

(汪榕培 译)


A foot may be too short for something long; For something weak an inch is strong. Everything has its weak points; Sometimes a wise man disappoints.

(许渊冲 译)


If fated, men come together though a thousand li apart; if not, they miss each other though they meet face to face.

(Sidney Shapiro 译)


Wipe the dust off your mind, /Wash out the dirt from your ear. /Without the most terrible suffering /You cannot be a great man.

(W. J. F. Jenner 译)


Respecting my own elders, and extending this respect to the elders of others; caring for my own children, and extending this care to the children of others.