Brainstorm your qualities and accomplishments. For an interview introduction, briefly cover yourmajor accomplishments and qualifications, such as certifications.
仔细想想自己都有哪些特点,取得过哪些成就。面试自我介绍,需要简单提及自己取得过的重大成就,以及获得的主要资质,比如某个证书。 想要在一分钟内引起面试官的兴趣,就必须一击即中。最好的方式就是展示自己过去获得过的成绩,自己有什么样的能力,从而可以为公司带来什么样好处。切记,公司不是慈善机构,不会因为你快交不起房租了,上有老下有小就雇佣你,公司要看的是你能创造多大的价值和利益。
Choose a personal anecdote that illustrates your personality in a creative way. Employers want tohear about your accomplishments, and a personalized story helps you stand out. The story shouldtake about 20 seconds to complete.
用有趣的方式讲一个能体现个人特点的故事。雇主想要听的是你取得的成绩,个性化的故事能帮助你脱颖而出。个人故事的时间最好控制在20秒内。 讲故事是让你区别于其他求职者的好方法,故事的`主题最好就是你在第一步中确定的自己的优势。但你的故事必须要和应聘公司的企业文化、应聘的职位相关,这就是所谓的投其所好。你还要在故事中再一次突出你的强项:领导能力、沟通能力、学习能力、开拓能力等等。记住,你的故事一定是你最想让面试官记住的内容,一定是对应聘公司有利的事情,一定是你最得意的成绩。
Practice your speech with a timer to make sure it is less than a minute. Read it to family andfriends and solicit suggestions. Record and review your speech using a video camera. Payattention to your mannerisms and projection of your voice. Smile and speak clearly.