Mdule 9 Great inventins教案


Mdule 9 Great inventins教案

  Mdule 9 Great inventins


  Mdule 9的主要内容为运用一般将来时的'被动语态来描述伟大的发明,包括造纸和印刷术的发明,电脑的出现和网络的广泛使用。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对被动语态的学习和运用,着重一般将来时被动语态的使用,让同学们通过课堂活动来掌握其用法。

  Unit 1 Will cputers be used re than bs in the future?


  1. Pandas _____ live n bab in Sichuan Prvince.

  A. ain B. ainl C. prperl

  . There are ________ peple

  A. var B. varied C. uch D. little


  3. —Dad, can I use the Internet this evening?

  —es, but the cputer is nt n et. The electricit ___________ (nt cnnect) until nine ’clc.

  4. _____ the prble _____________ (tal abut) at the eeting trr

  3Because re peple culd read, ideas ______ quicl.

  4What ________ will printing tae in the future?

  es: intrductin, trade, spread, directin

  Step 8 Listening

  1. Listen and find ut where the speaer is.

  a). In a schl librar.

  b). In the British Librar.

  c). In the British Museu.

  es: b

  2 .Listen again and answer the questins.

  1. Wh were s few bs prduced in ancient ties?

  2. Wh were an ld bs cpied nt a cputer?

  3. Hw has the cputer helped peple read ld bs in the British Librar?

  es: 1. Because the were written b hand.

  2. The are t valuable t be piced up and held in the hand.

  3. Old bs were cpied nt a cputer a few ears ag fr peple t be able t read the withut tuching the.

  Step 9 Reading

  1.Read the passage and chse the best title.

  a) The histr f the Internet

  b) The Wrld Wide Web

  c) The Internet and the Web

  d) The future f the Internet

  es: c

  2.Read the passage and answer the questins.

  1. When was the Internet invented b the US gvernent?

  2. What culd peple nl send at first?

  3. Wh invented the Wrld Wide Web in 1991?

  4. Can peple use e-cerce and nline shpping t bu and sell things?

  es: 1. In the 1960s.

  2. The culd nl send ver siple texts.

  3. A British scientist naed Ti Berners-Lee.

  4. es, the can.

  3.Nw cplete the tie table.

  In the 1960s: The Internet was invented fr the ar t use.

  In the 1970s: Scientists and businesspeple wanted t use the Internet t send and receive essages.

  In 1991: The Wrld Wide Web was invented.

  In the 1990s: Mre and re peple started t use the Internet t send varius tpes f files.

  Tda: The Web has hundreds f illins f users. It has changed the wa peple live, wr and pla.

  Step 10 Arund the wrld

  T learn abut e-bs.

  Step 11 Discussin

  1.Wr in grups. Prepare fr ur discussin.

  Thin f an inventin that has changed ur life.

  Mae ntes abut the inventin:

  1 What is it?

  2 Wh is it useful?

  Research hw the inventin has been develped and ae ntes abut what u find ut.

  2.Discuss with ur grup.

  Tell ur grup abut the inventin. As the fr their ideas.

  Mae ntes abut ur discussins.

  3.Present ur findings t the class.

  Step 12中考链接

  1.The sprts eeting _____ next nth.

  A. will hld

  B. is ging t hld

  C. will be held

  2. Fr Ma 6, pedestrians (行人) _____ 10 uan if the run red lights, accrding t Beiing traffic authrities.

  A. will fine B. were fined

  C. are fine D. will be fined

  3. -A new par _____ in ur hetwn next ear.

  -Reall? Our hetwn ust be re beautiful.

  A. will build

  B. will be built

  C. is built

  4. It is said that an Asian Culture Village ______ inside the AG, Village in Naning in the cing Asian uth Gaes perid.

  A. builds B. is building

  C. will be built D. was built

  5. —Hw an peple will _____ t ur

  birthda part?


  A. invite

  B. be invited

  C. be inviting

  es: C, D, B, C, B

  Step 13 Hewr

