


  一、教学内容:Lesson 6 Fruits


  1、 能听懂会说单词:

  orange , apple , peach , watermelon , pear , grapes , banana .


  3、 通过创设情境,使学生感受并运用语言,进一步培养学生口语交际能力。

  三、 教学过程:

  Step1 Warm up:

  1、 Draw a picture of the teacher, Miss Tang with an apple in the mouth.

  2、Sing an English song: An apple a day.

  Step2 Presentation:


  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  S: Good morning, Miss Tang.

  T: Nice to meet you.

  S: Nice to meet you, too.

  Step3 Revision:


  多媒体出示七种水果: orange , apple , peach , watermelon ,pear , grapes , banana , 每种水果只露出一小部分,让学生猜猜是哪种水果,猜对了多媒体出现掌声,猜错了,教师给予鼓励和提示,可以再试一次。

  Step4 Presentation:

  1、教师指着多媒体画面导课:“ Look, so many nice fruit! Do you like them?

  T :“ Ok. Let ' s have fruit party now. We are going to buy some fruit. ”

  2、 多媒体呈现四组情景:

  Miss White: Do you like peaches?

  Amy: Yes, I do.

  Miss White: Do you like oranges?

  Amy: No, I don't.

  Miss White: What about pears?

  Amy: Oh, I like them very much.

  Miss White: Let’s have some peaches and pears.

  Amy: Ok.


  11、 教师把教坛创设成水果店的'情景,请两名同学分别戴头饰扮演话题中的人物,共同示范表演话题内容,并请其他同学自愿上台进行会话表演。


  At the birthday party, At the fruit shop, At home, At the restaurant

  Step5 Homework:

  Name pears oranges apples watermelon bananas peaches