


  1、献上为您编织的神圣光环,祝福您岁岁愉快,年年如意!  Offer the halo of weaving for you, wish you a happy years, year after year!

  2、没有信的日子,好像一堆温柴,被回想点着,一脑子的浓烟。  Life without faith, like a pile of wood, are back on fire, smoke from a brain。

  3、没有人比您更值得如此深厚的谢意。仅这一天远不足以表达对您的感激之情。  No one deserves a bigger thank you than you。 One day is hardly enough to show your gratitude。

  4、你不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢你所做的一切。  You are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend, thank you for everything you do。

  5、老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。  Teacher, thank you for using the light of my life, light up my life journey, I am full of gratitude to you。

  6、我们喜欢你,年轻的老师,祝福您,节日愉快!教诲如春风,师恩似海深。  We like you, young teachers, wishes you a happy holiday! Teachings such as spring breeze, ShiEn deep as the sea。

  7、多想再一次注视您的.目光,多想再一次倾听您的讲课,多想再一次紧握您的双手。  Many want to once again look at your eyes, more want to once again to listen to your lectures, many want to hold your hands again。

  8、送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望!朋友,新年快乐,万事如意!  Off the old, off a year of gloom, usher in the New Year, also usher in a new hope! Friends, happy New Year, all the best!

  9、我愿将我的祝愿和感激,浓缩了我对你的祝愿,愿你的每一年,每一天都充满了幸福和喜悦!  I would like to put my wishes and grateful, enrichment my wish for you, wish you every year, every day is full of happiness and joy!

  10、您像一只蜡烛,为学生献出了所有的光和热!您的品格和精神,可以用两个字概括,那就是燃烧!  You are like a candle, for students to dedicate all the light and heat! Your character and spirit, can use two words, that is burning!

  11、感谢您——老师,是您让我明白:我们能从失败中汲取教训,在困难中积聚力量,在黑暗中寻找光明。  Thank you, teacher, is you let me understand: we can draw lessons from failure, gather strength in difficult to find the light in the darkness。

  12、在我的日历上,你依然年轻美丽,而这特别的一年使你的容貌似乎更增光彩。祝生日快乐!  In my calendar, you are still young and beautiful, and this special takes a year to make your appearance seems to glow。 I wish a happy birthday!

  13、又是一年新春佳节!特别的时刻,特别的祝福,祝你身体健康!幸福无尽!心想事成!每天都有一份好的心情!  Another year Spring Festival! Special time, a special blessing, wish you good health! Be filled with happiness! Horse! Have a good mood every day!

  14、做一个平静的人,做一个善良的人,做一个微笑挂在嘴边,快乐放在心上的人。愿我小小的问候带给你快乐,早安,我的朋友!  Do a calm person, do a kind person, do a smile and happy heart。 Wish my little greeting to cheer you up, good morning, my friend!

  15、宁静的夜晚,美丽的天空,丝丝的微风,对你的关怀一直在心中。悠悠的祝福,滴滴的问候,愿你拥有甜甜的美梦,晚安!  Quiet night, beautiful sky, filar silk breeze, care for you always in our hearts。 Leisurely blessing, greetings, wishing you a sweet dream, good night!

  16、千言万语只想通知你,我们永远是伴侣,千山万水只能阻挠我的视野,却不克不及阻挠我心的进步。  Words just want to inform you that we will always be your partner, and mountains only blocking my sight, but means less than block the progress of my heart。

  17、深深的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问候,在这特别的日子里,把祝愿随着短信带给远方的你:春节快乐!  Deep friendship with the blessing of continuous yearning and greeting, in this special day, bring wishes as text messages to distant with you: happy Spring Festival!

  18、爱人,这一季,有我最深的思念。就让风捎去满心的祝福,缀满你甜蜜的梦境,祝你拥有一个灿烂的新年。  Love, this season, have my deepest thoughts。 Let the wind take to bless with full intention, compose full your sweet dream, wish you have a brilliant New Year。

  19、祝君新年好!新年新面貌!新年新心情!新年新开始!新年新运气!新朋旧友齐愿你,万事总如意,钱途千万里!  Wish you happy New Year! New Year new look! New Year new mood! New Year new start! New Year new luck! New made together wish you, everything always satisfied, money away!

  20、种下一种思想,收获一种行为;种下一种行为,收获一种习惯;种下一种习惯,收获一种个性;种下一种个性,收获一种命运!  Sow a thought, reap an action; Planted an action, reap a habit; Sow a habit; reap a character; Planted a character, reap a destiny!