



order 点菜

serve 上菜

tip 小费

change 零钱

Keep the change! 不用找零钱了!

treat 请客 (This is my treat! 我请客!)

go Dutch AA制 (Let’s go fifty fifty. )

steak 牛排

cheese 奶酪

sandwich 三明治

bacon 培根(腌肉)

soup 汤

plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的)

doughnut 多纳圈

appetizer 开胃菜

dessert 甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道)

go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭

snack bar 小吃街;大排挡

hamburger 汉堡包

coke 可口可乐

French fries 炸薯条

dining hall 大餐厅、食堂

coffee shop 咖啡店;

restaurant 饭店、饭馆 ;

cafeteria 自助餐厅

buffet 自助餐






junk food垃圾食品










例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15 B. £9.18 C. £9.15


1.What does the woman want to do?

A. Find a place. B. Buy a map. C. Get an address.

2.What does the man do for the woman?

A. Repair her car B. Give her a ride C. Pick up her aunt.

3.Who might Mr. Peterson be?

A. A new professor B. A department head C. A company director.

4. What does the man think of the book?

A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. Weather B. Clothes C. News.




6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?

A. He has a pain in his knee.

B. He wants to watch TV.

C. he is too lazy.

7. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Stay at home.

B. Take Harry to hospital.

C. Do some exercise.


8. When will the man be home from work?

A. At 5:45 B. At 6:15 C. At 6:50

9. Where will the speakers go?

A. The Green House Cinema. B. The New State Cinema. C. The UME Cinema.


10. How will the speakers go to New York?

A. By air. B. By taxi. C. By bus.

11. Why are the speakers making the trip?

A. For business. B. For shopping. C. For holiday.

12. What is the probalbe relationship between the speakers?

A. Driver and passenger B. Husband and wife C. Fellow workers.


13. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. In a classroom.

14. What does John do now?

A. He’s a trainer. B. He’s a tour guide. C. He’s a college student.

15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?

A. $10,500. B. $12,000. C. $15,000.

16. How many people will the woman hire?

A. Four B. Three C. Two


17. How long has the speaker lived in a big city?

A. One year. B. Ten years. C. Eighteen years

18. What is the speaker’s opinion on public transport?

A. It’s comfortable B. It’s time-saving C. It’s cheap.

19. What is good about living in a small town?

A. It’s safer. B. It’s healthier. C. It’s more convenient.

20. What kind of life does the speaker seem to like most?

A. Busy. B. Colourful. C. Quiet.



1.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Wash fewer clothes at a time.

B.Use a different washing machine.

C.Let us use the washing machine first.

2.What can be inferred about the woman?

A.She is going to drop the class too.

B.She doesn’t know how to swim.

C.It took her a long time to learn to swim.

3.What does the doctor imply?

A.The man should continue using the medicine.

B.She’ll be away from the office for two days.

C.The man doesn’t need anything for his cough.

4.What will the man probably do next?

A.Buy the pants the woman showed him.

B.Wait until the pants are on sale.

C.Look at pants made of a different material.

5.What can be inferred about professor Burns?

A.She didn’t require any papers last semester.

B.She was more flexible last semester.

C.She grades papers very quickly.




6.What is the woman good at?


7.How long will the girl work altogether?

A.3 months.B.3.5 months.

C.Just 4 months.

8.What can we learn from the end of the interview?

A.The woman will lose the job.

B.The woman must take another interview.

C.The woman will work full?time.


9.Where does the conversation take place?


10.How will they go?

A.By plane.B.By car.C.By train.

11.When will they probably leave?

A.At 8:00.B.At 12:00.C.At 6:00.


12.Where did Doug and Diane first meet?

A.At school.B.At a restaurant.

C.At a party.

13.How did he know where she lived?

A.He asked a friend for directions.

B.He followed her home.

C.He looked her up in the phone book.


14.What are they talking about?

A.A travel plan. B.The last vacation.

C.A newspaper.

15.How can they get the price?

A.Read the ad.B.Call the hotel.

C.Call the travel office.

16.What can we learn about the man?

A.He is not in good health.

B.He doesn’t want to travel at all.

C.He prefers to stay in the same place.


17.What’s the strongest reason why Englishmen often go to pubs?

A.To meet their friends.

B.To see respectable women.

C.To relax themselves.

18.What is a woman not supposed to do if she wants to visit an English pub?

A.Go there alone.

B.Go there with her family.

C.Go there with a man.

19.According to the passage,how long do pubs usually stay open?

A.11 hours.B.12 hours.C.13 hours.

20.What are many men dreaming of?

A.Telling their troubles to a pretty girl.

B.Retiring from their jobs and buying a little country pub.

C.Leaving their homes.【听力材料及答案】

(Text 1)

M:I can’t get that washing machine downstairs to work.Do you have any suggestions?

W:Try washing just half of the normal load.

(Text 2)

M:I’m thinking of dropping my swimming class.I am just not catching on.

W:Stick with it.I did and I learned how to swim eventually.

(Text 3)

M:Doctor,this cough medicine doesn’t seem to be helping.Can you give me a different prescription?

W:Let’s give it another day or two to see how you are doing then.

(Text 4)

W:Would you like to see those pants in another color? They also come in brown and Navy.

M:Actually the gray is fine but I prefer something in wool.

(Text 5)

W:Professor Burns seems to think that there is only one way to write paper and that’s her way.

M:No kidding,she sure wasn’t like that the last semester.

(Text 6)

M:Well,Mary,I see from your resume that you’ve had a lot of experience in the law field.

W:Yes,I used to work during my break to get more experience.

M:How long are you able to work for us?

W:Not more than 4 months.

M:When does the semester end and when does next semester begin?

W:We will end on May 14th and September 1st will be the starting date for the next semester.

M:I see.Are you able to work full-time or only part-time?

W:I would prefer full-time.

M:When would you like to start?

W:Will May 16th suit you?

M:OK.I’m looking forward to your joining our office staff.

(Text 7)

M:How would you like to come to New York with me over the spring break,Julia?

W:I’d love to,John,but where shall we stay?

M:At a friend’s house.I always stay with him and there is room for you too.

W:OK.He won’t mind?

M:Of course not.He’s looking forward to meeting you.

W:Will we drive to New York?

M:Yes,it takes about six hours.We can leave at about noon and get there by supper time.

W:What’s the climate like?

M:It may be cold and rainy.Better bring a jacket and good walking shoes.

W:Well,when do we leave?

M:How about Thursday?Can you be ready by noon?

W:No problem.

(Text 8)

M:Uh,hi there Diane.Nah,okay.Uh...Hi,what’s up,Di? Okay,here we go...

W:Uh,hi.It’s David,right?

M:No,Doug.Remember? We met at Gary’s party last Friday night.

W:Oh,yeah.Now I remember.You were standing all alone...uh,oh,I mean...I mean,you...you know.We started talking about school and stuff.Uh,how did you know I lived here?

M:Well,I just live around the corner,and I asked Gary if he knew how I could contact you,and...


M:Well,I was just wondering if you’d like to go out this Thursday night.Well,there’s this real great movie playing downtown at the theatre,and I thought...well.well,we can’t use my car because I was in an accident with this wild animal driving this BMW,so I’ve already checked the bus schedule,and...

W:Uh?hem Well,David.Oh yeah.Doug.I’m sorry,but I have to work that evening.

(Text 9)

W:What part of the paper are you reading?


W:Are you thinking about our vacation already?

M:Yes,it’s not so far away.I’ve been looking at some of these ads.

W:Why don’t we just go to the same place we went to last year?

M:I won’t stay at that hotel again.There wasn’t enough to do.

W:Do you have a better idea for this year?

M:Yes,I do.Look at this ad.It looks like a good vacation to me.

W:“Three weeks.” “Ten exciting ports.”“Use the ship as your hotel.” How much does it cost?

M:We’d have to call the travel office to get the price.

W:It must be expensive if they don’t give the price in the ad.And besides,I’d rather we stayed in one place.

M:I don’t want to sit on the same beach and eat the same food and look at the same walls every day for three or four weeks.

W:You know the doctor said you shouldn’t try to do too much.

M:He didn’t say that I had to sit in the same chair all day long.