



  New words: hat, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, coat, scarf…

  Sentence patterns: My … has a…


  New words: hat, dress, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, coat, scarf…

  Sentence patterns: My … has a…


  Word cards, picture, tape-recorder


  I. Free talk

  Ⅱ. Presentation

  1. Bring in a doll with the clothes to be taught in the Unit. Alternatively, make a paper loss and cut out clothes to fit it.

  2. ( Books closed ) Revise the word doll and then introduce the clothes one by one saying My doll has a … Write the names of the clothes on the board.

  3. Pick up the clothes one by one and see if the pupils can tell me the name. Say What’s this? Help the pupils answer It’s a …

  4. Ask the pupils, e.g. What colour is the coat? Encourage the pupils to answer, e.g. it’s blue. Reformulate the sentence by saying , e.g. Yes. My doll has a blue coat.

  5. Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Point to the speech bubbles when the characters speak. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat after the beeps. Do the same with the vocabulary items.

  Ⅲ. Practice

  1. ( Books open ) Show Transparency. Point to the clothes on the page, asking What’s this? Encourage the pupils to answer it’s a …

  2. Read the children’s speech bubbles. Get the pupils to repeat them after me.

  3. Put the clothes on the paper doll. Say my doll has a …Ask the pupils to point to the correct word on the page.

  4. Ask the pupils What colour is the …? They answer It’s … Point to the clothes and ask the pupils to make sentences using My doll has a ( colour)

  5. Tell the pupils to work in pairs. Encourage them to act the girls on the page and say My doll has a …

  IV. Sum up the main point.

  1. Copybook 32

  2. Workbook 44

  3. Write the new words on the notebook.


  Unit 9 clothes


  (picture cards)

  Look the pretty clothes.

  My doll has a green dress.