湘少版四年级下册unit9 How much is it?教学设计



  1.能听、说、读、写新词汇:knife、crayon、ball、brush、notebook、toy car

  2.能用句型“How much is it?”询问商品的价格,并能用“It’s… yuan.”来回答。



  1.能听、说、读、写新词汇:knife、crayon、ball、brush、notebook、toy car,能用句型“How much is it?”询问商品的价格,并能用“It’s… yuan.”来回答。





  Step 1 Warming-up

  1. Sing a song : Ten little Indian boys

  T: Good morning, boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning, Miss Ou.

  T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too.

  T: Do you like singing? Ss: Yes.

  T: Good. Now let’s sing a song: Ten Little Indian Boys. Can you sing it?(播放歌曲动画)


  2. An Indian boy is counting the money in his Piggy Bank. Can you help him?

  T:Wow, the Indian boys are so cute. Do you love them?(大家喜欢这些印第安男孩吗?)Here is an Indian boy and here is his Piggy Bank. He is counting the money in his Piggy Bank. Can you help him? … Good. Here we go.

  (课件出示钱币)How much is it? (这是多少钱?)引导学生回答“It’s … yuan.”


  Step 2 Presentation

  The Indian boy came here with some stationery and toys. Do you want to have a look?

  (after counting the money) There is still a lot of money. And the money is here now. (出示钱袋)

  The Indian boy is here, too.(教师出示头饰并带上)I’m the Indian boy now. I have some things in my bag. Do you want to have a look?

  1. Show the things in the bag and teach the new words

  (Take out a pen) What’s this?引导学生回答:It’s a pen.

  T: great. How much is the pen? Can you guess?


  (出示knife)T:What’s this? Ss:小刀. T: It’s a knife. Now, please look at the big screen. Do you know this word? (课件依次出示单词rice,like)引导学生自己拼读knife。

  带读knife,然后询问价格:How much is the knife?




  2. Send some things to the students and teach the sentence pattern “I want a …” “Here you are”.

  (Peter wants a schoolbag. So he goes to a shop to buy it.)

  3. Teach Part A.

  (1) Let’s listen and answer.

  (2) Let’s watch and check.

  (3) Let’s repeat.

  (4) Let’s act in pairs.

  Step 3 Consolidation

  Ask the students to buy things from the teacher. Teach the sentence “Can I help you?” and show how to make a dialogue while buying things.

  Step 4 Practice

  Flea market:Work in groups to make a dialogue with the money and things they have.

  1. Show students how to make a dialogue by playing a short video.

  2. Make a preparation within four minutes

  3. Show the dialogue.

  Step 5 Homework.