


Let's go

Language focus:

Using ‘want to’ to express intentions

e.g. I want to have a picnic.

Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon

e.g. I'm going to visit City Park!

Pre-task preparation

1 Ask: What do you usually do at weekends? Do you usually have a picnic? to review: picnic, fountain and pond. Introduce: football pitch. Draw a football pitch on the board. Ask: Where can you find a football pitch? Do you usually play football there? Write: Zhongshan Park, City Park, Moon Park on the board. Ask the students to name a few more places where people usually go on holidays.

2 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.

3 Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.

While-task procedure

1 Ask the students to read the information boards in Read and choose. Students work in groups to discuss where all the characters want to go. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 17 to help the students make a choice. Invite the more able students to tell the reasons.   2 Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 18 to each student. Students work in groups of five. They are required to discuss what their group are going to do on a holiday. Then each group member has to choose a place which suits most of the group members. Finally, the group can vote and choose the most suitable place to go.

3 Play the recording: Read a poem. Students listen first. Then the whole class follow and read together.

4 Encourage the students to rewrite the verses. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 19 to each group. Ask them to replace City Park with the place which they would like to visit. Groups take turns to read their poem. The whole class vote for the best reader.

Post-task activities

1 Workbook page 6

2 A poem

Write the beginning of the poem on the board: It's (a day) tomorrow. What do you want to do? to elicit: I want to go to ... Continue with: What are you going to do? What are you going to see? Where are you going to eat?





学生能听、说、读短语及单词:family,parents,aunt,uncle,babybrother能运用 how many......进行口语交际。










1. 教法设计 根据英语这门课本身的特点及四年级学生的兴趣,我通过设计具体形象的情景,以旧带新,不断滚动知识点,以此来分散教学难点,让学生直观地感知与理解。同时创设数个任务活动,从单词到短语到句子到对话到片断,使学生在师生、生生之间的多向交流中进行有意义的练习与实践,充分发挥他们的学习主体性,培养他们学习致用的能力。

2. 学法指导 引导学生通过比较、观察、猜测的方法逐渐感悟新语言项目的功能,让学生在多层次的练习中体会到学习英语时“运用”的必要性,鼓励学生积极思维,大胆尝试。

3. 教学手段 根据本课的教学内容、教学目标、学生的年龄特征和心理特征,为了更好地激发学生学习兴趣,从而能积极主动参与学习。教学中运用多媒体课件、图片等教学辅助手段,置抽象的句型于一个个生动的情景、游戏之中,不仅使学习过程自然轻松,更能较好地启智开思。


1.热身( Warm up)



2. 单词学习(word learning)




第四,memory game的游戏。

[设计意图] 该部分有两处亮点,一是,依然重视四线格的书写,为我的学生打下一个良好的英语基础。

3. 单词游戏(memory game)

[设计意图] 既增添课堂气氛又争取让我的学生限度的当堂掌握新学的单词。记不过不要紧,目的不是必须当堂掌握,而是限度的提升课堂效率,并限度的挖掘学生潜能。


4.课文学习 (text learning)

以问题导入“我们知道Ammy 的家庭有六位成员,可Ammy却说有七位,这是为什么呢?” 接下来利用视频学习课文并找出答案。

[设计意图] 让学生带着问题学课文找答案,增强目的性。本环节有两处特色,第一是,所选视频是实景实人视频而不是动画,增强真实感,限度的再现英语环境。第二是,由老师进一步解释Ammy为什么把狗也看作是家庭成员,以此培养跨文化意识。

5.语法学习(grammer learning)

此环节学习方式:小组竞赛。以座位分成四个参赛小组,按每个同学的课堂表现为本组加星,课末评出WINNER。本节课所教授的`句子是“How many people are there in your family?”

[设计意图] 学习方式的宣布让学生对本节课充满了兴趣,激起了他们的斗志和为本组争星的表现欲。提高他们的表达能力,反复练习语法知识,学以致用。

6. 知识拓展(Extra tips)

由老师补充搜集课本上没有的知识,如,本课中其实爸爸妈妈在英语国家还有其他的口语化叫法mammy dady等。


7.课后作业(Homework today)

(1) “说出你的爱”:回家后用英语称呼你的家人,如“Mom,I love you!"

(2) “我学我用”:准备下节课带自己的全家福一张,向你的同学介绍你的家庭成员。

[设计意图] 巩固所学,将课内的学习延伸到生活。

8. 结束(the ending)

最后以I love my family 歌舞表演结束本课。

[设计意图] 第一,号召同学们stand up and move your body! 让同学们站起来一起唱一起跳。因为这首歌曲是精心挑选的,并且会配以动作教学。第二,从另一个侧面向孩子们昭示,只要课堂上认真听课,四十五分钟过后必定会有轻松的一刻。第三,使本节课在一个轻松愉快的氛围中结束,让每个人被这首歌所感染,心中充满浓浓的爱意,体会到英语的魅力,使思想境界得到升华。


people's jobs



(1)复习关于职业的词汇:doctor, teacher, nurse, cook, fireman, driver, policeman, pilot, singer.

(2)学习生词:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.


(1)复习询问他人职业及回答:What does he/she do? He/She is a/an …。

(2)学习询问对方将来想要从事的工作及回答:What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a/an …。

















1.重点词汇:astronaut, coach, actor (actress), writer.

2.重点句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a/an …。









Step 1: Warm up and lead in

1. Oral English

2. Sing a song: The Wheels on the Bus.

3. (课件): Look, she is the driver of the bus. Her job is driving the bus. Do you know “job”? 板书Jobs,并介绍课题。

Step 2: Review some words

1. Free talk: What jobs do you know? (Can you act as a …?)

2. Games:

(1) Show some word cards, read and act.

(2) Act, ask and guess---What does he/she do?

Step 3: Presentation:

1. Talk about the great people in 2003.

(1) Watch the screen and think: Who are they? What are their jobs? (通过课件呈现“感动中国”的人物。)

(2) T: They are called the Great People in 2003. 他们是被评为“感动中国的2003年度人物中的几个。Do you know their names?


(3) Watch and listen.

T: What are their jobs? Let’s listen. (课件录音完整介绍6个人物的工作和业绩。)

2. Learn the new word by the students themselves.

(1)示范pair work: Listen, look, match and read. (示范过程中学习生词:coach---c-oa-ch---coach)


T: OK. Boys and girls take out your paper and practice with your partner, please. If there are some new words for you, you can use your dictionary(出示字典), go to listen to the tape or teach each other.



3. Introduce them in the front.

T: Who wants to come here and introduce one of them to us? Please listen carefully and check your answers.(学生活动:自愿前来介绍一个人物。)


4. 相应单词的练习


(1) Pronunciation: astronaut---an astronaut.

(2) Practice (Pass the picture and ask) What does he do? He is an astronaut.


(1) T: Can you act as a writer? 引导学生练习: writer---writer

(2) T: What other writers do you know?


(1) T: Who’s your favorite actor? (根据学生的回答介绍:actress)

(2) T: Do you want to be an actor or actress? Why?

5. Learn the sentence patterns.

(1) T: They are all the great people in China. We will always remember them. Do you want to be one of them? What do you want to be when you grow up? You can say: I want to be …。 (出示句卡,带读,板书)

(2) T: What about my daughter? Can you ask her?

(出示句卡,学习问句,板书) want---want to be---What do you want to be---grow up---when you grow up---What do you want to be when you grow up?

(3) 课件:播放录音---妞妞的回答

(4) Practice: Pair work; Show in the front.

Step 4: Reinforcement --- Talk about the most popular job.

T: Excellent! You have so many wonderful dreams for your future job. What is the most popular job in our class? Let’s finish a questionnaire.

(1) Model;

(2) 小组调查;

(3) 各小组填写结果;

(4) 汇总全班调查结果

T: The most popular job in our class is ________. Why do you want to be a/an …?

Step 5: Summary

T: How can you make your dream to be true? What can you do for your dream?

Please remember: Where there is a will, there is a way. (课件呈现)

Step 6: Homework

Talk about your dream job with your parents.







《小学英语课程标准》强调指出:“英语教学要重视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养,重视学生的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。” 根据以上要求及对学生实际情况的分析,我制定了如下教学目标。





(一)教学方式与学习方式 [教学方式:“任务型”教学方式 学习方式:自主探究、合作交流] 本课的设计中,我运用了“任务型”教学方式,要求学生通过表达、询问、解释、沟通、交涉、协商等多种语言活动形式来完成任务,同时注重英语中听、说、读、写各项基本技能的训练;英语课程标准强调重视学生实际语言运用能力的培养,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式。学生将在“任务型”教学方式的引导下,在自主探究与合作交流中学习和运用语言。

(二)评价方式 [评价方式:多元性评价] 心理学家指出:学生在课堂上有获得表扬的需要,评价的主体应该是多元性的。所以,在教学中我着眼于学生语言运用的培养,采用激励性评价、师生评价、生生互评等多元性评价方式,在教学活动中充分激发学生的求知欲和表现欲,实现教学过程的化。


1、结合本课教学目标我设计了“猜谜语”、“听音排序”、“听音写词”、“动物习性的讨论”、 “学说小韵诗”、“写写喜爱的动物”等几项任务。




一、Warm up

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: Pleased to meet you!

Ss: Pleased to meet you, too!

T: Now relax yourself. Let’s listen to music.

(Play the song Old MacDonald had a farm.)

Ss: (Listen, repeat and clap.)

T: This song sounds nice. There are lots of animals in the song. Yes?

Ss: Yes!

T: Do you like animals?

Ss: Yes!

T: Now I say, you guess which animals they are. Let’s have a match between four groups. OK?

Ss: OK!

T: Number

1. They’ve got long tails. They climb trees very fast. They like bananas. What are they?

S1: They are monkeys.T: You are very clever! Group 2 can get a flag.

T: Number

2. They are tall. They’ve got long necks. What are they?

S2: They are pandas.T: Fantastic! Group 3, a flag!

T: Who can say another animal?


T: So many animals! I like pandas. But I don’t like snakes. (Write on board.) What about you?

S1: I like monkeys. But I don’t like tigers.

S2: I like bears. But I don’t like dogs.

T: Good. And do you know what do pandas love? (Write the title: Unit 2 Pandas love bamboo.)Ss: (Read the title together for twice.)

T: Today we’ll discuss some animals. Let’s see what they are.(Show the pictures of animals.)

Ss: (Read and spell the words together for twice.)

三、New contents

T: These animals are lovely. You can see them on your books. Now listen to the tape, order the pictures.

T: Now I’ll check the answers. Who can tell me?

S1: Number 1 is …T: Excellent! And what do they like? Let’s listen, then you should say and write down the sentences.

T: First, which animals?

Ss: Snakes.

T: Who can repeat the sentence?

S3: Snakes love the sun.

T: Great! (Write on the board.) Read together, please.

Ss: Snakes love the sun.

T: Next, which animals?

Ss: Elephants.

T: Who can repeat?

S4: Elephants like water.

T: Can you write on board?(The same process for the other animals.)

Ss: (Read the sentences together.)

T: (Correct the mistakes.)

T: Now I say numbers, you say the sentences.

T: Who can come here and point to the pictures for us?

S2: I can. …You are very good!


T: Can you remember now?

Ss: Yes!

T: OK. I say, you guess. They love the sun. What are they?

S5: They are snakes.T: Very good. Now work in pairs, practice part 2.

Ss: (Work in pairs to do the practice.)

T: Who want to show your dialogue?Ss: (Several groups act out.)

T: You did a good job! Now let’s learn another animal----owl.(Read and explain the word.)

T: I’ll ask students to explain the sentences.

Ss: (Study the chant, and then say with the rhyme.)


T: Today we’ve learnt lots of animals. But which do you like? Now talk in groups: What are your favorite animals? Why?

Ss: (Talk in groups.)

T: Stop! Now write down your ideas. You can write like this: My favorite animals are …Because… T: Who want to read your sentences?

S1: …

S2: …

T: You are very lovely. We love animals, because they are our good friends. Let’s read loudly!

Ss: We love animals, because they are our good friends.

T: Again! Louder!

Ss: We love animals, because they are our good friends!

T: Well done, children! You should remember this sentence.Class is over. Goodbye, children!

Ss: Goodbye, teacher!



本节课是一年级起点第11册英语Module7 Unit1 Pandas love bamboo.的课文教学,课型为新授课。六年级学生对于动物有很多了解,因此,本课主要是为学生梳理知识,用已有知识描述动物,这也是本册教材的重点之一。




1、语言知识:全体学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写写单词 bamboo/ gave/ its/ almost/ deaf/ frightened/ sh/ roar/ fox/ at night 句子Pandas love bamboo. They eat for twelve hours a day! Do snakes love music? No, they don’t. They’re almost deaf!

2、 语言技能: 全体学生能够在适当的情境中,运用已学语言谈论动物的生活习性和不同的人与动物的睡眠习惯。

3、 情感态度:全体学生能够积极参与各项活动并且有团结合作的意识,向朋友介绍自己喜欢的动物。


5、文化意识:全体学生能够中外文化的异同, 关注不同国家标志性动物,培养爱国主义情感和跨文化意识。






一、复习导入Warm-up and lead in( 3 min )

1. Warmer: Sing a song

2. Free Talk: Watch the cartoon

Do snakes love music? Does the dog love music?

【设计意图】通过song 营造轻松愉悦氛围,激发学习英语兴趣,通过Free Talk顺利的引出本课内容,为本课作知识性的铺垫。

二、任务呈现Task presentation( 2 min)

T板题并揭示学习目标: 运用已学语言谈论动物的生活习性和不同的人与动物的睡眠习惯。

三、课文学习Text learning( 10 min)

1.Listen to the text带着问题,整体感知课文

What is the DVD about?

2. Listen again

What does it say about animals? Let’s see.


(1) What do pandas love?

(2)How many hours do pandas eat a day?

(3)What can snake do?

(4)Why? Do snakes love music?

(5) What do you think about the DVD?



3. Listen, point and act

4.课文巩固:Talk about the pictures. A3


四、训练巩固 Practice( 10 min)

1. 口头操练: Ask and answer A4

2. 笔头训练: Read and choose


五、任务完成 Task completion( 10 min)

Make a riddle

教师提供可用语言 What’s your favourite animal? Do you love…? Why? What can… do? 小组自编对话进行展示。


六、小结与布置作业 Summary and homework( 5 min)

1. Summary:学生自主总结本课知识点

2. Homework

必做:读课文,抄写目标句子 选做:Free Talk, 小练笔


Module 7 Unit 1

Pandas love bamboo.


can/can’t Animal eat for…